View Full Version : How to fix this: Help a Noobie out!!

01-17-2013, 07:35 PM
Hi guys I need some opinions on how to go about fixing this:

Pictures tell thousand words



This happened this morning, while backing out of the garage, garage remote was accidentally pressed and banged against the roof on our CRV. :(

Is this something that can be polished out or need major repair?

Running my finger nail across and most of them are not felt except the big gash in the first picture.

Its a 2012 CRV, polished metallic paint. 3 months old...

I am located in London Ontario, Canada. :ca

I really appreciate your help!

Ron Ketcham
01-17-2013, 07:57 PM
Go see Scotty`s Shine Shop right there in London.

He`s honest and will do what he can for you.


01-17-2013, 08:13 PM
Go see Scotty`s Shine Shop right there in London.

He`s honest and will do what he can for you.


Thanks for your reply.

I suppose this cant be done DIY. I am willing to try and learn if there is a way :)

Richard Grasa
01-17-2013, 08:51 PM
I`d go see Scotty too, but if you really want to try it yourself: If those white marks are paint transfer from what you banged against they can be polished out. If you can`t catch your fingernail on the scratches they can be polished out. If you can catch your fingernail on the scratches, they are too deep to be polished out but you can most likely make them less noticable. If the white marks are paint that`s missing from being scraped away, only fix is a repaint (or touchup paint, but touchups will never look right on metallic paint), hard for me to tell from the pics.

If it`s fixable, I *assume* you would be doing it by hand if you were to try it yourself and being a small area that should suffice. I`d pick up something like Meguiar`s Ultimate Compound and a foam applicator and try rubbing it out that way. If that`s paint transfer, it should clean up ok and most scratches should come out if not too deep. If that leaves a haze behind, follow up with some Ultimate Polish and then a coat of wax.

01-17-2013, 10:42 PM
He`s honest and will do what he can for you.http://webcardid.com/apple/images/a15http://webcardid.com/apple/images/k3

Ron Ketcham
01-17-2013, 11:00 PM
As new as the vehicle is, and you will probably own it for a few years, no reason to take a chance of removing excessive clearcoat from the roof, which gets very high UV exposure.

Just talk to Scotty, he`ll be honest with you.


01-18-2013, 09:58 AM
since it`s on the roof, i`d probably do something like scratchX on a MF cloth and then touchup paint. The scratchX would only be to remove the paint transfer.

01-22-2013, 02:02 PM
I would read this,

Detailing Bliss Forum - Rupes BigFoot, Surbuf Pads, Meguiar`s MF Cutting Pads, and Menzerna FG400 a perfect combo! (http://www.detailingbliss.com/forum/content/174-rupes-bigfoot-surbuf-pads-meguiar-s-mf-cutting-pads-menzerna-fg400-perfect-combo.html)

This article shows some pretty severe looking damage and it was mostly removed.

01-22-2013, 04:19 PM
You can probably get a 70% improvement with a lot of time/elbow grease and some scratch-x, however you risk striking through clear if you get too aggressive.

David Fermani
01-22-2013, 09:02 PM
Good thing it`s on the roof. You probably have a pretty decent dent there too? Hopefully you won`t have to remove the entire headliner to replace the antenna?