View Full Version : question on Armor All Natural Car Wash Concentrated

01-09-2013, 10:57 AM
So, for a stocking stuffer, a family member got me a big old jug of this stuff (http://www.amazon.com/Armor-All-78481-Natural-Concentrated/dp/B0044FV9Y8).

I know nothing of this stuff, and instead of just giving it to someone who does not care, or even just throwing it away, I was wondering if anyone has actually used this stuff.

My plan was to use it in one of those Gilmour guns to soak the car during the winter before washing with the Optimum wash that I prefer. I am hoping it will help loosen up the dirt and salt and wash a decent amount off before I hit it with a sponge since a proper wash can only happen on warm weekends, which is a rarity in NE Ohio during winter.

My main concern is what it may do to the wax coating I have on now. It claims to not strip off wax.

01-09-2013, 11:35 AM
So, for a stocking stuffer, a family member got me a big old jug of this stuff (http://www.amazon.com/Armor-All-78481-Natural-Concentrated/dp/B0044FV9Y8).

My main concern is what it may do to the wax coating I have on now. It claims to not strip off wax.

I checked the MSDS, pretty gentle detergents, a pH of 8. Looks good..go for it.

01-09-2013, 11:47 AM
Sweet, there is a use for it!