View Full Version : OK to power wash engine?

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03-28-2006, 10:49 PM
My dad is renting one tomorrow to powerwash our deck and driveway. Would it be okay to spray the engine down with dish soap/water solution, and give it a spray? I will stand back... I don`t need 1500 PSI tearing the engine apart.

Is it okay to do this?

03-28-2006, 11:01 PM
I wouldn`t.

03-28-2006, 11:01 PM
I would suggest against it. I wouldn`t be worried spraying down the painted surfaces of the engine, but that much water pressure could cause problems in other areas. Engine detailing isn`t like putting out a fire. Take 30 minutes and do it by hand. It is a lot safer and you will be more pleased with the results.

03-28-2006, 11:04 PM
Well, alright. Thanks fellas

Tex Star Detail
03-28-2006, 11:28 PM
I pressure wash the engines. Though I do not stand 12 inches and spray away. I cover what is necessary, put the widest spray tip on the washer, and stand back a few feet. That way, the water isn`t blasting away. On more delicate engines, I take the tip off the washer, and let the water run out the tip. Has a little bit of pressure. Not as much as a regular garden hose. All my years doing engines, I have yet to mess anything up. Just take your time, cover things, and don`t direct the spray in one spot.....keep it moving.

But do what YOU feel is comfortable for you.


03-28-2006, 11:33 PM
Go ahead and use it, just stay away from the battery terminals, and alternator. I`ve been pressure washing motors for years, old and new, and have had very few mishaps.

Trust me it won`t be the first time your motor has been pressure washed.

Do a search on it, you`ll get alot of tips.

I spray it down with a cleaner, pressure wash, spray a water based dressing on, shut the hood and your done.

03-28-2006, 11:39 PM
I would also advise against this. I have a buddy who owns his own auto repair shop and every time one of the Wholesalers send his cars or trucks to the detailers and they pressure wash the engine they show up at the shop with CEL on and running like crap. Todays engines have way to many electronics in them and many are under the hood. Also the way most cars get spark nowadays is not the old cap and rotor they are individual coil packs and this can cause great problems with arcing and misfiring when water gets down the spark plug cylinder walls.


Tex Star Detail
03-29-2006, 12:53 AM
I would also advise against this. I have a buddy who owns his own auto repair shop and every time one of the Wholesalers send his cars or trucks to the detailers and they pressure wash the engine they show up at the shop with CEL on and running like crap.

IMHO, I think alot of that has to do with in-experience. When I worked at a car dealership, I had a part timer work with me a couple of times. He would open the hood, spray degreaser everywhere, and let loose with the washer. And of course, I was there to pull the spark plugs out to dry afterwards and reset the CEL code.

If you know what you are doing, then things shouldn`t go bad. I said shouldn`t. If you have a little front wheel drive car with the plugs up top, it is wise to spray away from them.

But again, to each his own. Do what you feel is comfortable for you, not what people tell you to do. If you do not feel it is safe, then by all means, do not do it.

Joe's Detail
03-29-2006, 01:00 AM
I would also advise against this. I have a buddy who owns his own auto repair shop and every time one of the Wholesalers send his cars or trucks to the detailers and they pressure wash the engine they show up at the shop with CEL on and running like crap. Todays engines have way to many electronics in them and many are under the hood. Also the way most cars get spark nowadays is not the old cap and rotor they are individual coil packs and this can cause great problems with arcing and misfiring when water gets down the spark plug cylinder walls.


i AGree... i never do engine jobs. Eventhough i am pretty confident that i wouldnt totally mess anything up. I just feel there is to much liability in this. Just somethhing i prefer to stay away from. I have learned that most people care less for having their engine detailed.

But then again, if u can money at this... i would go for it, just be careful !!!!

03-29-2006, 01:46 AM
I know not everyone will agree but i do power wash my engine. I simple green it then use a pw from about 1.5-2 ft away. The trick to it is to move the want around ALOT. dont let it sit in one sport for more then a milla second lol. I find that if you do it fast enough it almost becomes a mist. Ive had no problems with it thus far.

08-10-2006, 10:53 PM
........never get less than a foot away from the engine components......some people keep the engine running while detailing the engine bay.......this is sneaky but i purchased a CEL reader and eliminator at pep boys, so if stuff starts popping up on the dash i can clear it....the clear lasts about 300 to 500 miles..and by that time the moisture and water have evaporated and all is good..... better yet your customers dont flip out and you make a few extra bucks cleaning the motor

08-10-2006, 11:08 PM
Go for it. I pressure wash engines all the time. Granted, I use a black and decker PW with no more than 1000 psi, but I think with the lowest level nozel, some common sence, and a distance between the wand and engine you will be fine.


08-10-2006, 11:23 PM
Why powerwash the engine? Seriously, all you need is to spray it down with degreaser and then rinse it with a steady stream. Then bust out the shop towels and brushes and finish it up. How much time does power washing really save? I`d race anyone with a power washer and I`ll bet I do a better job in less time by only using high(ish) pressure from the hose on the painted surfaces and just rinsing the engine itself. Using something like high pressure directly on the engine is just not something I am comfortable doing on a customer`s car. What if you rinse a bunch of sludge into the alternator or some other important component? What if you flood the spark plug cylinders and have to wick them out while the customer waits for his car to be able to start? You`ll never have that problelm if you take your time with the job.

Detailing is not about finding the fastest way to do something. That is called taking short cuts. Detailing is about finding the safe and efficient way of doing something. Any hack can power wash your engine bay, but a detailer will raise the bar and take some time to do it right.

08-11-2006, 06:32 AM
I agree! What is wrong with a garden hose? You don`t need a pressure washer!
Why powerwash the engine? Seriously, all you need is to spray it down with degreaser and then rinse it with a steady stream. Then bust out the shop towels and brushes and finish it up. How much time does power washing really save? I`d race anyone with a power washer and I`ll bet I do a better job in less time by only using high(ish) pressure from the hose on the painted surfaces and just rinsing the engine itself. Using something like high pressure directly on the engine is just not something I am comfortable doing on a customer`s car. What if you rinse a bunch of sludge into the alternator or some other important component? What if you flood the spark plug cylinders and have to wick them out while the customer waits for his car to be able to start? You`ll never have that problelm if you take your time with the job.

Detailing is not about finding the fastest way to do something. That is called taking short cuts. Detailing is about finding the safe and efficient way of doing something. Any hack can power wash your engine bay, but a detailer will raise the bar and take some time to do it right.

Dans Detailing
08-11-2006, 07:14 AM
Why powerwash the engine? Seriously, all you need is to spray it down with degreaser and then rinse it with a steady stream. Then bust out the shop towels and brushes and finish it up. How much time does power washing really save? I`d race anyone with a power washer and I`ll bet I do a better job in less time by only using high(ish) pressure from the hose on the painted surfaces and just rinsing the engine itself. Using something like high pressure directly on the engine is just not something I am comfortable doing on a customer`s car. What if you rinse a bunch of sludge into the alternator or some other important component? What if you flood the spark plug cylinders and have to wick them out while the customer waits for his car to be able to start? You`ll never have that problelm if you take your time with the job.

Detailing is not about finding the fastest way to do something. That is called taking short cuts. Detailing is about finding the safe and efficient way of doing something. Any hack can power wash your engine bay, but a detailer will raise the bar and take some time to do it right.

exactly/ Just a steady controlable stream of water will do the trick with a good degreaser. I use the degreser un dilited for bad greasy engien bays, and a small toothbrush n ylon brush for those hard to reach areas..