View Full Version : Water spots on matte black wheels

12-07-2012, 04:36 PM
I did a search, but not really finding anything that can help.

I have a matte black wheel that sat in front of a sprinkler for the past 9 months while I was in Afghanistan. Attached is a pic


I have tried 50/50 water/vinegar, compound, SSR2, and clay and nothing has really touched it. The compound helped a little, but the etching is still there. Is there anything that can help facilitate cleaning this better? I applied all polishes by hand, buy maybe using my PC would help? Again, this is on my wheel, so that would be a massive pita. You can see at the bottom is a small area that i used the compound on. It shined it a little, but the spot etching was still present. Any help is appreciated.

Ron Ketcham
12-07-2012, 08:52 PM
This is a "toughy" as they have the minerals `almost" burned into the clear that is on the wheels.

Best guess I can offer up is to use some muratic pool acid on them.

That is what most would use to remove minor concrete deposits and what is on the wheels is very close to such.

You will still have to do some polishing, but those minerals need to be broken down in order to release from the wheels.

Just make sure you mix it ,if necessary per directions, do not put on a surface that is even warm to the touch, let it "dwell", not dry, and then agitate with a soft bristled brush, probably have to repeat a few times, after rinsing each application thoughly from the wheels.

Will take some time, sorry, but the best I can offer for advice.


12-09-2012, 12:24 AM
Ah, that`s a bummer man. Thanks for your service.

It looks like the compound did make a dent in it, so I would give it a shot with a machine, or even a power drill with a powerball on it possibly.

Good luck!