View Full Version : Joke

03-26-2006, 06:31 PM
One day a policeman pulls a lady over for speeding. The policeman walks
up to the window and asked the lady if she knew why he pulled her over.
Lady says no. He tells her she was speeding and asked her for her
drivers license. The lady says she does not have one. I lost it 4 years ago
for DUI. The policeman asked her for the registration. The lady said I don`t
have one cause the car is stolen and the owner is hacked up in the trunk.
The policeman is now cautious and backs away from the car and calls
for back up. The back ups arrive and approach the car with guns drawn
and tell the lady to get out of the car slowly and hands in sight. She
does and the officer tells the lady the first officer says you don`t have
a drivers license. Ladys reachs in to her purse slowly and gives the officer
her license. The officer who pulled her over looks dismayed as she produced
the license. The officer then says the first officer said you stole this car.
She reached into her purse again and gives him the registration which
idenifys her as the owner. The policeman says the first officer said you
have a body in the trunk. The lady hands the keys to the policeman and
he opens the trunk and nothing is there. He says I don`t understand looking
at the first officer who is confused by all of this. Lady says and I bet the
liar says I was speeding too!

03-26-2006, 06:33 PM
Pretty funny.

03-26-2006, 07:33 PM
Yea, I like it.

03-26-2006, 09:03 PM
:D Funny:D

03-26-2006, 09:51 PM
I`ve heard that a few years ago but its still funny! :)