View Full Version : Got to use my Pc

03-25-2006, 12:53 PM
So as some of you know i recently ordered a Pc and after a ew back orders it finnaly came. So i lent my car to my bro as his was in the shop and he needed to go to school. The only problem was i needed gas, and well the outsde was dity (i know i know but calgarys chinkooks are imposible to keep it clean, i drive 10 feet and its diy literly) neway. so he takes it through an automatic car wash. I almost cried when i found out. The stupid thing left swirl marks. I got no pics as i wanted to take care of it as soon as posible.
So heres what i did

Spray-n-wipe the whole car to get ne suds off
clayed with adams clay and adams detail spray (it needed a clay neway)
with my wonderfull pc. I used the polishing pad with adams polish and there swirl remover ( i wanted to try it as i have it, next time ill use my pbs)
then i waxes using Adams butter wax. Which i love
It didnt get eveything out but i had no time to redo it all as i had class.
the car looks much better, and as tragic as the story is I did get to use my PC so i dont know if i should smack my brother of thank him lol.
Well thats my first pc story

p.s I loved the pc it really healed with the wax, and made the job so much quicker. Im in love

03-25-2006, 02:49 PM

Always nice to get the first one completed. No matter the weather conditions that youwill drive in to. Now it is protected and you had fun too!!