View Full Version : ONR Pre Spray losing color/smell fast?

09-02-2012, 12:49 AM
Has anybody else had the issue with ONR diluted to the Pre Spray/QD dilution losing its color and smell quickly? It seems like in about 1-2weeks it loses both of those almost to the point where I question if its the right bottle of product. I`ve tried Distilled water and tap water it doesn`t make a difference it just turns almost to watery looking liquid just as fast. I just don`t trust it when it starts looking like water.

I have the ONR V3

09-02-2012, 08:23 AM
I have V2. It does loose its color and some of its smell, but it usually takes longer than 1-2 weeks. That said, some batches I make turn quicker than others. I use filtered water, but maybe slight differences in the amount of impurities (and ambient temperature, likely) dictate how quickly it turns. I seem to remember reading on the Optimum forum that the change in color does not affect its potency.

09-02-2012, 09:28 AM
If it just turned color I still wouldn`t trust it as much but it loses it smell too, and ONR has a recognizable smell/color those 2 things combined make me pour out the bottle and refill it.

09-02-2012, 09:38 AM
Before tossing it out, I would call Optimum and ask. No sense wasting product for no reason. Personally, if I was concerned, I would keep it in a separate bottle and use it for secondary things like wheels, door jams, etc.

09-02-2012, 12:15 PM
Mine has done that since day 1 and from what I understand it normal when mixed with water in a spray bottle. In the mfg.`s bottle it hold`s it`s color and smell.

I personally don`t worry about it since it still works the same.

09-02-2012, 12:25 PM
Wow that is really strange why it would in a bottle outside of what it comes in. Good to know, only products I`ve had this happen too so it threw me off

09-02-2012, 05:04 PM
Has anybody else had the issue with ONR diluted to the Pre Spray/QD dilution losing its color and smell quickly? It seems like in about 1-2weeks it loses both of those almost to the point where I question if its the right bottle of product. I`ve tried Distilled water and tap water it doesn`t make a difference it just turns almost to watery looking liquid just as fast. I just don`t trust it when it starts looking like water.

I have the ONR V3

Yes and I do not care...Works mint. I have used ONR back in 2005, I think, and it would turn clear and not smell after a few years. At the time I called ONR and said it was still okay to use...Never looked back.

PS. I still mix a bottle for clay lube and month later no issues...

09-02-2012, 09:06 PM
Strange - I have a bottle mixed at 1:32 that`s been on my shelf for three months, and it`s still a vibrant blue color (mixed it with distilled water). What you`ve mentioned does happen with me, but only when I mix with tap water. Using ONR v2, in case that might be the difference.

09-02-2012, 11:03 PM
It does that, don`t know why. Still works fine even once it all turns clear.

09-03-2012, 12:50 AM
Wow that is really strange why it would in a bottle outside of what it comes in. Good to know, only products I`ve had this happen too so it threw me off

Could it be that it`s being diluted? Why not mix only what your going to use?

09-03-2012, 10:31 AM
Rather just fill up the bottle once and use that, than to fill it every time I use it. My degreasers and other products never do this when I dilute those. Good to know it doesn`t change how it works. Thanks guys

09-03-2012, 08:12 PM
I made a 5 gallon bucket of ONR and water for my "Garry Dean Wash Method" bucket. After 2 weeks` soaking of towels in it, there developed a smell to the solution. After washing the towels that were used, I put them in clean water to soak until I needed to add ONR (or Garry`s product) to do my car. I don`t know there was any problem with soaking the towels that long; I just didn`t like the smell.


09-07-2012, 06:51 AM
mine lost color and smell, but it still works... I only use it as a prespray to when i`m going to use the ONR to wash the car, so fresh stuff is right behind it. I also will use it in small areas for bugs or whatever I might have missed... seems to losen them the same as before.

Deep Gloss Auto Salon
09-08-2012, 06:44 AM
What`s the point of even making a product that smells and looks so good if its only temporary? You`d think after all these years doing it they would have a fix for this?

Product works so no need for a "fix"

09-09-2012, 06:11 AM
Optimum has stated that if you mix with tap water it will lose its color due to some chemical reaction with the impurities in the water. If you mix with distilled, it will not change.