View Full Version : Need help to look for a good sealant for a white car

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08-17-2012, 10:28 AM
Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum and hoping to get an assistance to look for a good sealant for a white car. Some people told me that differernt sealant maybe design for specific color. I have never use a sealant before and would like to give a try. I would be appreciate for any suggestion for a long lasting sealant for a white car.

08-17-2012, 10:32 AM

collinite 476

I think I`ve heard the klasse sealants pretty good too

though if you want something else coatings work well imo

08-17-2012, 12:38 PM
My last 2 cars have been white. Currently have Satin White Pearl. I have been applying Optimum Opti-Seal and I like the lasting protection and it provides a nice glossy look. I will also suggest Collinite 845 which is a wax not a sealant, but is very durable and provides a nice glow on white. (Usually in the fall )

The WOWA properties of applying opt-seal is what keeps me reaching for it. The cost is reasonable as a little goes a long way. The bottle will last many, many applications.

08-17-2012, 12:49 PM
Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum and hoping to get an assistance to look for a good sealant for a white car. Some people told me that differernt sealant maybe design for specific color. I have never use a sealant before and would like to give a try. I would be appreciate for any suggestion for a long lasting sealant for a white car.

Welcome to Autopia!

"Sealants" can be thought of as merely "synthetic waxes".

Most of the talk about "color specific" waxes/sealants is just BS.

Collinite 845 is sorta a "hybrid product" that`s a "sealanty wax". It`s easy to use (doesn`t leave white stains on trim) and durable.

I do prefer FK1000P and it lasts for a VERY long time, and yeah it looks great on white, but the Collinite is kinda a good no-brainer answer.

I`d consider using an "all in one" ("AIO") product first to clean the paint as a preparatory step, DuraGloss makes one that`s commonly available OTC. You could do the AIO one day, and then apply the Collinite after the next wash, that way it won`t be some huge undertaking.

08-17-2012, 12:52 PM
Hi MX823,

Thanks for the information. Actually, my car is also white pearl and not white. Someone from other forum suggest to use REJEX, anyone has experienced on that?

Is Optimum Opti-Seal easy to apply?

08-17-2012, 12:59 PM
Thanks Accumulator.

My car is only 2 months old. I have done a paint protector from the dealer when I bought my car but I am not sure is a sealant or a wax. Do I still need to use AIO?

08-17-2012, 01:18 PM
Thanks Accumulator.

My car is only 2 months old. I have done a paint protector from the dealer when I bought my car but I am not sure is a sealant or a wax. Do I still need to use AIO?

"Need" gets to be, uhm....relative.

The stuff the dealer applied is almost certainly a mediocre sealant (some such applications are of better quality, but those are rare). I myself really would want to do a bit of paint cleaning so I`d use the AIO. Such products are pretty user-friendly; just as sealants are like "synthetic waxes", these AIOs are just "synthetic cleaner-waxes".

I`m assuming that the paint is already in nice shape- so stains, swirlmarks, etc. (and yeah, I would wonder about such stuff even though the car is only two months old, I`d wonder about it if the car were still in the showroon).

08-17-2012, 01:50 PM
Thanks Accumulator. My car`s paint is in a very good shape, no scratch, no stains and no swirl. This is why I want to do as much as protection as I can to protect the paint. As you mentioned the paint protector that I have from dealer probably is a sealant. So, should I apply another coat of sealant on top of it to maximum the protection?

08-17-2012, 01:53 PM
I usually dont` like to trust things when I don`t know what i`m dealing with--imo strip it and just put a fresh coat--that way you know what`s on your paint and when you put it on =]

08-17-2012, 02:02 PM
I just want to make sure the FK 1000p is the item shown below.

Is it easy to apply by hand?

eShine Canada: Finish Kare 1000P Hi-Temp Paste Wax (15oz) (http://www.eshine.ca/finish_kare_1000p_hi_temp_paste_wax_15oz-3800.php)

Opti Seal vs FK 1000p...Which one is better?

08-17-2012, 02:04 PM
that`s the one i have-- i THINK opti seal is good on trim too--fk i would steer VERY clear of trim and pieces like that as it stains and for me it`s been a pita to take off--BUT FK has been very very good to my dad`s lexus as i think so far it`s been good for about a year =] (garage kept though)

08-17-2012, 02:12 PM
Can they both apply on windows & windshield to repell the water?

08-17-2012, 02:16 PM
I`ve heard of people doing it--though for the windshield as the blades keep going (rain storms and what not) it tends to go away faster than any other part for obvious reasons

08-17-2012, 02:18 PM
yocboy- I hate to get into "better?" comparisons and I`ve never used Optiseal, but the FK1000P is about as durable and effective (protection-wise) as anything I`ve ever used short of a "coating" (those are a whole `nother animal completely...).

Yeah, that link is to the right stuff and that can oughta last you for many, *many* years. Yeah, keeping it off trim is best.

I don`t use such stuff on windshields or other glass, but maybe somebody else can offer info.

Do yourself a favor though, get a little bottle of some AIO and use that first. I know, easy for me to spend your time and money, but you might as well do this right. Sounds like your car will be really easy to do so this oughta go very smoothly.

08-17-2012, 03:35 PM
Does the Opti Seal last long?