View Full Version : 2003 Morgan +8 - advice with how-to and best guess at time to complete

08-12-2012, 09:35 AM
Across the street from my shop is a convenience store and I couldn`t believe my eyes when I saw this BRG 2003 +8 filling up with cheap gas!

Looks like this image that I grabbed off the net:http://i1073.photobucket.com/albums/w385/autogeekdetailing/Morgan/morgan.jpg

Since British cars have always been my favorite, I walked over and started chatting with the owner; fellow in his eighties.. He says when he was in England he ordered it and had to wait three years to take delivery.

Long story short, he has had it detailed by one of the `production` shops here in town and there are minor (?) swirls and scratches in the paint. Told him I was more then eager to do the correction. Gave him my card and he e-mailed me wanting an "EXACT" price for:

1. Rejunevation of the car`s paint job including a serious application of the best protective wax

2. Clean and apply a leather protector to the car`s leather seats, interior leather side doors and dashboard leather trim

3. Steam-clean the engine compartment so it is spotless

4. Clean the windscreen

5. Clean the wire wheels and apply tire side-wall cleaner and polish

6. Wax the chrome bumpers

I really think D151 on a MF pad will do the trick. Then IPA and apply P21s or the like (BlackFire?) - recommendations for BRG appreciated. But I`m probably going to test 205 and maybe Menz 87 or 85. (Y/N?)

Real question is, there`s going to be alot of hand work on the car after everything is masked off. Louvers, the sculptured body work, etc. So if anyone has worked something like this, to me, beauty, I really appreciate some feed back on how many hours it took.

Thomas Dekany
08-12-2012, 10:56 AM
I believe DaveKG did one once - search for it on detailing world

08-12-2012, 11:23 AM
Why would you use D151, then do an IPA wipe down?

08-12-2012, 11:33 AM
I believe DaveKG did one once - search for it on detailing world

Can`t find a DaveKG user. Found on post on an older +8 at about 7 hrs.

08-12-2012, 11:44 AM
Other than the body contours / lovres it no different from any other vehicle (8-10 hours) for what he has specified (and its BRG, what`s not to love)

FWIW: DaveKG no longer contributes to forums

08-12-2012, 11:53 AM
Why would you use D151, then do an IPA wipe down?

Thanks for asking. I might be off the target here, but...

This Morgan was in last years Concorso here in Santa Fe, NM. This year, for reasons I won`t go into, the Concorso was moved to a new location and can`t accommodate the number of vehicles they had last year. I`ve been trying to step up my game - read gain a reputation - from daily drivers to at least an occasional exotic; of which there are a fair number here in town. Back to your question. I was thinking D151 has to have some oils in it similar to 205 and since the owner joins the `5 o`clocks` the other exotic owners frequent, this is my chance to to demonstrate my skills :waxing: Thinking it would be best to apply an LSP to a paint prepped finish.

08-12-2012, 12:03 PM
Other than the body contours / lovres it no different from any other vehicle (8-10 hours) for what he has specified (and its BRG, what`s not to love)

FWIW: DaveKG no longer contributes to forums

Kinda what I was thinking. But being an old guy http://i1073.photobucket.com/albums/w385/autogeekdetailing/Morgan/oldguyshorts.gif

I generally book D151 corrections to take 2-3 days ;)

08-12-2012, 12:11 PM
D151 is an AIO which contains wax. You`d be working backwards by doing an IPA wipe down after D151.

08-12-2012, 12:49 PM
D151 is an AIO which contains wax. You`d be working backwards by doing an IPA wipe down after D151.

I realize it contains wax. Admittedly, I don`t know the chemistry behind how products like 151 can both cut and wax, and that I might use a polish as mentioned in my OP, and really having little experience in how a premium LSP finishes out on top of another wax, I`m just wanting to be certain that the end result of whatever LSP I use will look as good on top of 151 as it would on a prepped paint.

I`ve used a few other AIO`s and I find myself coming back to 151. Here`s a test I did on a 1959 TR3 I`ll start correcting this week w/ 151. It`s a repaint and not the best, using 1996 Honda Civic Milano Red: and the customer is an older woman happy this result.

Not the best pics, but It cleaned up amazingly with just one pass with a MF cutting disk.






08-12-2012, 08:06 PM
The 30`s styling vehicles can be a bear to get right without tear down.

IE: running board ribs, marker lights

Plus the slopes into vertical areas where a polisher doesnt fit.

Make sure to include this in your time.

Louvers can eat time.

This is all coming from doing...

33 Alfa 6c

67 Morgan plus 4 SS

1919 Dodge

36 Bentley to name a few. They all are very time consuming. All though all had quite a bit more louvers. The biggest problem were angles where a polisher would not fit. The beading needs protected too . The leather strap on the hood will stain even from sweaty hands and can get in the way. Be careful when opening the hood sometimes they want to jog left or right and want to hit the cowl. Make sure you lift vertically as not to have the hood swing towards you and hit the fender.

As far as 151 I beleive it has some fill which can come back later to haunt you without checking so I can understand your ISO step.

08-12-2012, 09:01 PM
The 30`s styling vehicles can be a bear to get right without tear down.

IE: running board ribs, marker lights

Plus the slopes into vertical areas where a polisher doesnt fit.

Make sure to include this in your time.

Louvers can eat time.

This is all coming from doing...

33 Alfa 6c

67 Morgan plus 4 SS

1919 Dodge

36 Bentley to name a few. They all are very time consuming. All though all had quite a bit more louvers. The biggest problem were angles where a polisher would not fit. The beading needs protected too . The leather strap on the hood will stain even from sweaty hands and can get in the way. Be careful when opening the hood sometimes they want to jog left or right and want to hit the cowl. Make sure you lift vertically as not to have the hood swing towards you and hit the fender.

As far as 151 I beleive it has some fill which can come back later to haunt you without checking so I can understand your ISO step.

Thanks John.

I had anticipated having to do much by hand. I was thinking of using the same MF pad for those areas where the machine isn`t practical. As well, his doesn`t have the leather strap.

IMHO, the owner doesn`t seem to value the Morgan. Otherwise he wouldn`t have taken it to the production shop in the first place, much less fill `er up at the convenience store to save a buck or two when he had to pass the Shell station to get to it. I`ll let you know if he accepts my `bid`.

08-13-2012, 03:31 AM
I love this review I really love it

