View Full Version : My First Opti-Coat

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08-08-2012, 05:25 PM
I found a video where someone at Optimum (how come Chris doesn`t post here?) put the small foam pad in a latex glove and wrapped the glove with a blue paper shop towel. This is the technique I used. Changing the towel every panel.

OC went on very easily and flashed fairly quickly, with out without using compressed air. Buffed/knocked it down; also easy. Lighting is important `cause it was difficult at times to see the OC flash.

Problems I encountered were, even tho I went over the car inch by inch and polished out any minor imperfections I saw, I still missed one or two that I spotted during coating.

My BIG complaint is the `syringe` leaked out the bottom! I mean allot! It was a real PITA and if anything would prevent me from buying OC again it that.

Pics, just because:





C. Charles Hahn
08-08-2012, 09:25 PM
Looks great!

(how come Chris doesn`t post here?)

Because Optimum isn`t a sponsor here. ;)

08-08-2012, 10:43 PM
Looks really good!

If the syringe is leaking, send it back. It shouldn`t do that.

08-08-2012, 11:17 PM
Using the shop towel technique, is it necessary to change towel after every panel?

08-09-2012, 09:54 AM
Do you mind sharing the video link?

08-09-2012, 10:16 AM
Contact Optimum on the syringe and they should replace it for you. I think they sourced syringes from a different vendor on one order (never again) and they had some issue with them.

08-09-2012, 01:41 PM
Thanks all for the comments.

As for changing the blue shop towels out, even tho I read OC wouldn`t pick up dust, I did see some every now and then.

And I spoke with David and he did say there was a problem with some of the tubes and I`m waiting for ADS to warranty it. Thanks for bringing that up.

And here`s the YouTube link:


08-20-2012, 11:11 AM
I tried the blue shop towel technique and ran into some problems with swirls and light scratches. Switched back to pinnacle applicators and never had another problem. I just throw out the applicator after use, they are not super expensive and worth it to get a better application.

I think the original person was David Fermani or something like that that came up with the shop towel idea... Or another person that posts a lot on these forums. He is a tester for optimum products.

08-20-2012, 12:13 PM
I can honestly say I never thought to use a shop towel on paint, and I don`t think I would now either, would make me way too nervous.

08-21-2012, 10:14 PM
PC and more took a lightning strike. be back sun?

but to say, I`ll accept the feedback and use a different technique next time.

being my first experience i was super gentle with the application and didn`t notice any marring

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08-22-2012, 05:58 AM
I tried the blue shop towel technique and ran into some problems with swirls and light scratches. Switched back to pinnacle applicators and never had another problem. I just throw out the applicator after use, they are not super expensive and worth it to get a better application.

I think the original person was David Fermani or something like that that came up with the shop towel idea... Or another person that posts a lot on these forums. He is a tester for optimum products.

Anthony Orasco came up with the glove/ shop towel method. There is a video demonstrating it, just google his name and opti-coat and you will find it.

09-02-2012, 07:58 PM
That sucks to hear about the syringe leaking, I am sure that made the whole more problematic than it should have been. I used to the yellow applicator that came with it as I was told by Jeff it was the best to use. I used OC for the first time on a black Camaro I did a few months ago. I had not seen any videos on how to apply it and what "high spots" looked like.

What I learned from applying it was I didn`t use enough product to "prime" the applicator nor did I use enough OC in general. The OC flashed pretty quick for me, I did it this summer in the garage with the doors closed when it was like 98 degrees out. Basically by the time I was done with a panel I wiped the high spots out.

I used a really good MF. I haven`t heard about using the blue shop towel. Can I ask what the benefits are compared to using the MF?

After I did the car I found the videos on how to apply it. Surprisingly I did it correctly and it turned out great. I am confident the next car I do will go much smoother. I was so stressed out about doing it right I think I made the whole process worse than it actually is.

09-02-2012, 09:01 PM
That sucks to hear about the syringe leaking, I am sure that made the whole more problematic than it should have been. I used to the yellow applicator that came with it as I was told by Jeff it was the best to use. I used OC for the first time on a black Camaro I did a few months ago. I had not seen any videos on how to apply it and what "high spots" looked like.

What I learned from applying it was I didn`t use enough product to "prime" the applicator nor did I use enough OC in general. The OC flashed pretty quick for me, I did it this summer in the garage with the doors closed when it was like 98 degrees out. Basically by the time I was done with a panel I wiped the high spots out.

I used a really good MF. I haven`t heard about using the blue shop towel. Can I ask what the benefits are compared to using the MF?

After I did the car I found the videos on how to apply it. Surprisingly I did it correctly and it turned out great. I am confident the next car I do will go much smoother. I was so stressed out about doing it right I think I made the whole process worse than it actually is.

Check out the new video @ Auto Geek by Chris.

09-02-2012, 10:30 PM
Can you point me towards it. I have been on Autogeek for an hour and can`t find it. I`m probably not looking in the right place.

09-03-2012, 12:42 AM
Can you point me towards it. I have been on Autogeek for an hour and can`t find it. I`m probably not looking in the right place.

Application: Optimum Coatings.wmv - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qu3qtG3DjM&feature=youtu.be)