View Full Version : Slickest/slipperiest product to top Zaino z-10 with?

08-04-2012, 10:15 PM
Hi there!, I know this sounds wierd!, But here me out.

Im buying a New Fiat abarth with the red leather seats. -

I absolutely LOVE the feel of freshly Armorall`d leather seats.

I dont know what it is about the feel, perhaps when I was a kid driving in a cadillac with fresh armorall..

I also have a Theory that a very slippery seat will slow down wear and tear on said seat, and for my job I will be in and out of the vehicle alot, and im a big dude.

I know Armorall is supposed to be to WORST thing you could put on leather.

Are there any safer products you could reccomend?

Im planning on dousing them in Zaino z-10 then somthing on top of that.. ( ihave been told the Zaino z-10 isnt very slick..)
