View Full Version : Leather protection

07-30-2012, 08:46 AM
geez it`s been a while! hope all is well with you all!

Let`s get right to it. My brother just bought the new lexus with light leather and I was wondering if you had any recommendations for leather protection especially since he loves his jeans... I have the leather ique twins but I didn`t think they actually protect... Any ideas?

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07-30-2012, 09:18 AM
Leather Master™ - Protection Cream (a Scotchgard™ type product specifically formulated for lather) the polymers penetrate the surface of finished leather and cross-link to form a durable protective film that is breathable, allowing transpiration and keeps the leather supple. Being aqueous (water- based) it restores moisture to finished leather and provides a protective sacrificial barrier against all kinds of soiling, water, oil, alcohol-based stains and perspiration marks, so you are cleaning the protective layer

An extract from the article “Proper Finished Leather Cleaning and Care” - http://www.autopia.org/forum/guide-detailing/136421-proper-finished-leather-cleaning-care.html

I hope the information in this article is of some help to you. If you have any further questions please let me know

07-30-2012, 10:45 AM
So a damp MF wipe down and then LM Protection Cream is all it takes to keep new leather from cracking/fading/etc?

07-30-2012, 12:21 PM
When corium fibres lose moisture they shrink, when they are hydrated with water moisture they swell. The best way to care for finished leather and to keep wrinkles to a minimum is to keep the leather properly hydrated and avoid, as much as possible, these shrinking and swelling cycles. Keeping leather hydrated only requires a regular wipe down with a damp cotton towel


Leather naturally absorbs and retains moisture vapour, meaning it’s also susceptible to losing the moisture necessary to keep it pliant and soft. One of major attribute is its ability for transpiration (allowing the movement of moisture back and forth (evaporation and hydration), which it does even better than wool.

This means not just its permeability to air but its permeability to water vapour, on the other hand, whilst it absorbs water vapour it doesn`t readily absorb liquid, so a light rain will not harm it and a damp cloth can be used to keep it clean, however the introduction of any solvent-based products accelerates aging of the leather.

“Hydration of Finished Leather” - http://www.autopia.org/forum/autopia-detailing-wiki/141382-hydration-finished-leather.html

07-30-2012, 12:28 PM
ok....so damp cloth to hydrate, should I still use the LM protection Cream after that or will it really not do anything?

07-31-2012, 03:08 AM
YES most definitely...

Three Step Leather Care

1. Clean - there are two cleaning-related factors that can cause your leather to wear prematurely. The first is dirt, and the second is oil, combined they become very abrasive, as dirt / grit and subsequent friction cause the finish to wear

2. Hydrate – when leather tanner’s talk about conditioning leather they are referring to its moisture content, re-hydration is used to restore or maintain fluid balance (transpiration and evaporation of moisture); not the replenishment or replacement of the fat liquoring, oils and / or waxes.

3. Protect - is essential as it will protect the surface finish, without hindering transpiration, while acting as a sacrificial layer; this way you are not actually cleaning the Leather`s original surface, but cleaning from the surface of the protection. It also makes dirt easier to clean off

08-13-2012, 10:01 AM
Thanks you guys! I`ll look into the leather master--I`m not entirely sure as to why he`d get such a light color for his seats but I`ll see about keeping them from getting too trashed

08-13-2012, 10:31 AM
I`m not sure how much more protection this will offer over the standard LM Protection Creme, but it`s probably worth looking into. I use the Strong Cleaner and Protection Creme regularly and it has kept any dye transfer from setting in on my seats.

Leather Master Ink Stop, ink blocker, leather protectant (http://www.autogeek.net/leather-master-ink-stop.html)