View Full Version : This is the TRUCK of your dreams. When you were 10.

SoCal Mobile
07-18-2012, 01:56 AM
This guy sold his truck to a construction company in Russia and the port in San Diego said it had to be spotless before they would put it on a ship. This job took most of the day but paid about $600. Not bad!

This tiny San Diego truck detail took us no time at all. (http://thesocalway.com/san-diego-auto-detailing/)

C. Charles Hahn
07-18-2012, 08:02 AM
How many gallons of tire dressing did you go through on that job? :lol:

07-18-2012, 08:53 AM
A broom??? The sure is un-autopian! :D


07-18-2012, 06:06 PM
Oh cool, 1 pic. A terrible cellphone pic at that. I don`t mean to sound like a jerk, but this thread is disappointing. You don`t even bother embedding the 1 pic you have, instead you make us click on a link to your site. I tried browsing your site in search of a gallery and I guess that falls under `blog`. Each posting has 1 grainy pic of a car, and I cant tell the extent of the correction because it is either too far or in the shade. Also whats up with the broom?

The one pic you did have with a car in full sun was the hearse. Upon closer inspection I saw this.


If it was a simple wash and wax job then it`s ok, but I hope there wasn`t any correction involved. Either you missed a spot or you don`t know what you are doing. The sun doesn`t lie.

You are trying to sell yourself as a professional, but if I was a potential customer I would think that your business is shoddy at best.

Consider posting more than 1 picture for each car on your site. Or at least take better quality ones that show off your correction work instead of hiding defects it in the shade or taking the picture from 15 feet away.

Uber Auto Conditioning
07-19-2012, 12:38 AM
Well that was kinda harsh. To the OP: he does have a point though. Take the extra 10 seconds to embed the pic into the thread instead of making it a link. I usually scan thread titles and don`t look at who the poster is but when I click on one of yours and realize it is you, I usually just hit the back button because I know I`m going to be linked to a crappy cell pic and it will be just one, no write up or more pics or details of the job.

07-19-2012, 05:21 PM
Wow, you guys are seriously harshing my mellow...he`s showing fun/different projects that he works on. It may not be an Autopian standard detail, but its different. So much for the friendliest detail forum on the internet.

The back link is probably for SEO rankings.

07-19-2012, 06:03 PM
I think the point is that if he were to post the actual pictures in the thread it would be better than a link back to his site where you have to search for everything.