View Full Version : Accumulator -- He Stole Your Technique--Almost!

07-03-2012, 06:50 AM
Audi R8 BLACKBIRD: Basic Car Wash Techniques - DRIVE CLEAN - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0Sqi1lAj1A&feature=player_embedded)

This guy "almost" stole your wash technique.

Barry Theal
07-03-2012, 07:23 AM
I actually thought this was a great video. Very well done and edited.

tom p.
07-03-2012, 12:15 PM
Nice video. Is AMMO a popular brand?

Do I dare ask what that thing dangling off the front bumper is :confused:

07-03-2012, 12:44 PM
I actually thought this was a great video. Very well done and edited.

Yes, indeed!

This guy "almost" stole your wash technique.

Heh heh, well....operative word there is "almost". I might do a service loaner kinda like that if it`s white and I`m in a big hurry.

I don`t want to slam the guy too much so I hope I don`t come across as being overly critical. Hey, he`s young.. I could get him all squared away pretty fast as he`s already on the right track and thinking about the right thngs. And anyhow, something closer to my method might be so over-the-top as to put off his intended audience.

If it weren`t for those long, sweeping motions with the mitt, and doing such huge areas at a time, I could almost believe he merely dumbed-down the way he *really* does it to make it more mainstream-friendly. If he just changed *those two things* he`d be getting close to a "regular guy`s" version of how I do it without making the whole thing as nutty as my whole approach.

Hey, if most people washed their cars the way he demonstrated it`d be a huge step up.

Do I dare ask what that thing dangling off the front bumper is

Heh heh, whatever it is, to me it says "vulnerable" in a way that makes it hard for me to take the car seriously as a real-world driver :think: