View Full Version : Tractor Trailer

Joe's Detail
03-17-2006, 06:00 PM
This guy wanted me to hand wash his 42 ft tractor trailer (both truck and trailer) for 60$, I told him to take a hike (didn`t say it like that, basically said no way). He said he had a place charge him 50$, but he didn`t feel like driving there, so he said he would give me 60$. At first i thought he was just talking about pressure washing it, but he was talking about a hand wash, which i thought was ridiculous.

I hate turning down business, but i thought his price was outrageously low. I was thinking more along the terms 150-200$ for hand washing a 42 ft tracter trailer. He thought that was outrageous. I would never do it for 60, im not that desperate.

What do u all think?

ps.. he then goes on to say how particular he is about things looking right...haha

03-17-2006, 06:15 PM
This guy wanted me to hand wash his 42 ft tractor trailer (both truck and trailer) for 60$, I told him to take a hike (didn`t say it like that, basically said no way). He said he had a place charge him 50$, but he didn`t feel like driving there, so he said he would give me 60$. At first i thought he was just talking about pressure washing it, but he was talking about a hand wash, which i thought was ridiculous.

I hate turning down business, but i thought his price was outrageously low. I was thinking more along the terms 150-200$ for hand washing a 42 ft tracter trailer. He thought that was outrageous. I would never do it for 60, im not that desperate.

What do u all think?

ps.. he then goes on to say how particular he is about things looking right...haha
I KNOW you did the right thing. I wouldn`t have done it either.

03-17-2006, 06:48 PM
Dude you did the right thing a friend of mine son washes trucks ,trailers and rvs and said to do a tractor and 53`trailer he charges $75-$85 (most over the road trailer are 53` plus 25-30` of truck) and thats just pressure washing.

C. Charles Hahn
03-17-2006, 06:54 PM
Good call on your part. I wouldn`t even THINK of touching a rig that large for anything less than $100.

03-17-2006, 06:55 PM
Yup good idea turnin him down. Those are normally the people will will complain about somthing after you finish anyway.

03-17-2006, 07:11 PM
You probabaly did the right thing.

I would have said Yes, and did it to find out my time. If I could do it in a coupla hours, I would have been okay.

Joe's Detail
03-17-2006, 07:20 PM
thanks guys...im glad u all thought they way i did. It makes me feel better. I forgot to mention that it was a half hour drive just to get there...:mad:

03-17-2006, 08:17 PM
Yup I would turn it down too.
These are the people want MORE and payless :ass

03-17-2006, 08:55 PM
We fleetwash applying soap and rinse with pressure washer.Rarely if ever put a brush on one(the joys of fleetwashing soaps).The lowest we charge for multi truck accounts is $25/truck & $15/trailer.For an indepentdant with 1 truck brushing I would charge no less than $85.
If he wants a hand wash $150+ wouldn`t be a stretch.

Guys with nice rigs are very picky and will pay what the job is worth to keep their rigs looking good.The ones who aren`t willing to pay are super picky and not worth your time or expertise.

Joe's Detail
03-17-2006, 09:21 PM
We fleetwash applying soap and rinse with pressure washer.Rarely if ever put a brush on one(the joys of fleetwashing soaps).The lowest we charge for multi truck accounts is $25/truck & $15/trailer.For an indepentdant with 1 truck brushing I would charge no less than $85.
If he wants a hand wash $150+ wouldn`t be a stretch.

Guys with nice rigs are very picky and will pay what the job is worth to keep their rigs looking good.The ones who aren`t willing to pay are super picky and not worth your time or expertise.

thanx thats interesting :) . He seemed like the guy that would be super picky, which doesn`t bother me as long if hes willing to pay the price...i would of done it for 60 $ if it was just a pressure wash, but when he mentioned hand wash i thought the price was low.

His "rig" was 2006 379 peterbilt with a 42` trailer. I saw it, It looked really nice, but i guess he didn`t want to pay the price to keep it looking nice.

by the way i checked out your site...its really nice!

03-17-2006, 11:00 PM
It`s sad when these guys pay that kind of $$$ for a rig and don`t put any pride into keeping it looking good.Big fleet companies are even more difficult to deal with than the independent drivers.They want it cheap,fast and perfect.We lost 1 accounts($38k) last year to guys willing to wash truck & trailer combos for $18.The hit to the wallet was hard but,I can go broke sitting at home watching cartoons.Eventually we`ll may get a shot at taking them back when the fleet managers get tired of the poor quality they are paying for.

The site is simple but,it give potential customers a place to go look at our previous work.The old site contained a lot more info but, the format didn`t have any flow and even I hated navigating it.

Joe's Detail
03-18-2006, 02:02 PM
haha...funniest thing happened to day. The guy called me and told me he would help me do half of it and pay me half the price. I couldn`t believe my ears. I told him I wouldn`t come out there for less than 125$, and he declined. Im just glad thats over with.:D

i thought i had heard everything...guess not

thanks for the help guys

Tex Star Detail
03-18-2006, 03:57 PM
haha...funniest thing happened to day. The guy called me and told me he would help me do half of it and pay me half the price. I couldn`t believe my ears. I told him I wouldn`t come out there for less than 125$, and he declined. Im just glad thats over with.:D

i thought i had heard everything...guess not

thanks for the help guys

HAHA...half price if he helps with half....LOL

I woulda told him you would charge double if he helped!