View Full Version : Need Input: OTC Car Wash

05-22-2012, 10:08 PM
Need to purchase some soap. Car is fairly dirty from a road trip and dont want to ONR it. I have access to:

-Gold Class


-Meg`s deep crystal

-TW Ice

-I can also purchase the duragloss shampoo, but would prefer not to have to go as far out of my way as I would have to in order to get it.


05-22-2012, 10:54 PM
There has to be an auto parts store in the area that sells Duragloss 901.

Otherwise Gold Class is a decent OTC car wash.

Nth Degree
05-22-2012, 10:57 PM
The Duragloss would be my first choice, but not worth going out of your way for it. Gold class is comparable and would be the top choice for many. If you usually use ONR you could always just go to a DIY wash and do a good rinse only first.

05-22-2012, 11:07 PM
Scott...I can get the DG, it`s just a bit of a hike. I may just do that, but I wanted to see what others thought of the alternatives.

Thanks for the input

05-23-2012, 03:10 AM
if it`s not a big deal to go out of your way, get the DG901/902 and buy the gallon size (step up from megs gold class wash IMO). otherwise, the megs gold class wash is a great choice as well...

05-23-2012, 09:01 AM
Duragloss is worth the trip. A gallon lasts a long time but surely you can find it locally without having to go very far.

05-23-2012, 09:41 AM
I have not tried Meg`s Deep Crystal but the rest are pretty good. The one that standout though is Griot`s - I love the stuff and its performance, but it isn`t as concentrated as the newer soaps so "cost per use" is much higher. Also, I consider Griot`s more as a maintenance soap as it will not strip wax and subsequently, it`s cleaning power is not very high. I do like Duragloss as well but if Griot`s is readily available then go with that one.

05-23-2012, 09:47 AM
as others have said, if you must do a traditional wash, DG then Gold Class in that order, although Gold Class is pretty good IMO

05-23-2012, 12:23 PM
Having used the Meguiars soaps and DG, I would say DG is a no-brainer IMO. ....although I am still interested in trying out the Griots (currently using Optimum Car Wash which I like as well).

05-23-2012, 12:50 PM
I use Griot`s exclusively. 100% satsified with it.

Gold Class is ok in a mediocre sort of way.

Deep Crystal is pretty lousy IMO, but I haven`t used it for ages.

Never tried the TW...never really try any other shampoos since I found the Griot`s.

Absolute no-brainer IMO since you mentioned that you have easy enough access to the Griot`s.

05-23-2012, 12:56 PM
+1 on the GC for the OTC, works well for for the price point.

05-23-2012, 01:18 PM
Thank you. Accumulator...how much wash are you using in a 5 gallon bucket? Or, better question...how many ounces per gallon?

I will probably use this, as I rarely use a traditional wash method and want something good for "emergencies."

05-24-2012, 01:12 PM
Thank you. Accumulator...how much wash are you using in a 5 gallon bucket? Or, better question...how many ounces per gallon?

Eh, I get most of my shampoo out of the foamgun :think: But I do still use wash buckets and in them I use roughly 1 oz. per gallon (well, I mean for a 5 gallon mix I`d use five ounces of shampoo and the rest water). You can mix it stronger, it`s very LSP-friendly IME. I have a spray bottle with a really potent mix that I use for the lips of wheelwells and LSPed wheels and wheel wells, and it doesn`t strip the wax or anything like that.