View Full Version : Cleaning Glass (KAIO)?

05-15-2012, 07:50 AM
So I wash the windshield with ONR and then clay it with ONR as clay lube. I then finished with a glass cleaner. I notice there are still some small dark marks (don`t know if its tar). I think i may need a cleaner that will go deeper. Will KAIO be a good try? Can the "stuff" KAIO leave behind be removed with a light mist of glass cleaner? I havent tried ISO at 50/50 yet.

05-15-2012, 08:42 AM
Once the glass surface has been washed and cleaned (detailers clay) any minor imperfections can be removed with an abrasive glass polish (Autoglym Car Class Polish or Zaino Z-12 Clear-View Glass Polish) Removes "light" scratches, acid water spots, bird and bug stains, including alkaline mineral deposits, and then smoothes out etched glass

“Polishing Glass” - http://www.autopia.org/forum/guide-detailing/137878-polishing-glass.html#post1464140

05-15-2012, 10:08 AM
KAIO is great on glass and everything else for that matter, so go for it. If the chemicals alone don`t remove the spots, you can always use a heavier cut pad with KAIO on the glass, works just fine, or apply by hand.

05-15-2012, 10:30 AM
I use KAIO all the time on glass without any issue - However, some people have pointed out that their wipers tend to squeak when going over KAIO-prepped glass (I have not witnessed this). The "stuff" that KAIO leaves behind also repels water in a similar fashion to Rain-X and Aquapel. It is pretty nice and handy but it does not last too long though.

The cleaner in KAIO may or may not remove the black spots (depends on what it is exactly) but it won`t hurt to try. If it is tar, do be careful before you use any tar removers - Read the directions carefully because some tar removers cannot be used on glass as they will permanently etch.

05-16-2012, 06:57 AM
Thanks guys. I dont have a buffer nor plan to get one. I`ll try the KAIO by hand. Hopefully a glass cleaner can remove the "protection" KAIO leaves on the glass, as I would prefer to use a glass sealant right after.

05-16-2012, 07:59 AM
No problem - Do give us an update or review on the glass sealant that you chose. I have tried various "glass" sealants and Aquapel was heads-and-shoulders better than everything else. The others were a complete letdown as even Zaino Z2 Pro (a traditional paint sealant) blew them away.

05-16-2012, 09:16 AM
Don`t underestimate the sealing of KAIO though, it`s very good.