View Full Version : Bidding on a job when...

05-12-2012, 03:03 PM
This is for fun..

I was called over to bid/quote on a nice mini that went head first into a fence. Bumper needs work done beyond polishing, but customer asked for a detail quote. I get out my light and am inspecting the interior and exterior- 1.5 million $$ house BTW and super nice customer.

As we are talking, I notice a gardener get out an electric pressure washer, sponge, and some "super auto soap". I stop and stare and then realize...the gardeners wash their cars! They are about to do the husband`s car! LOL

The husband comes over and asks me to detail his car when I come to do the mini and all I can think is..."Keep them washing your car that way...each time they wash, my job is worth more $$ because of the RIDS they are putting in there." Overall, probably not a big deal. Watching the shop vac hose rub back and forth on the door jam was also a treat as the gardener pulled back and forth while vacuuming the interior. Their other car is a black MDX- can`t wait to get that in the sun!

My guess and hope is that after he sees her green/white mini when done, that I`ll get dialed in with all their cars. Bonus: It`s a private street with gates and they are all tight. Perhaps I`ll get a lot of work???

Anyway, thought I`d share a humorous situation....bidding for a detail while gardeners wash the other car.


05-12-2012, 05:50 PM
That`s a little awkward. lol. Maybe you can come up with a quote for a little training for the gardeners. Not too much, you still want their work;).

C. Charles Hahn
05-12-2012, 07:42 PM
The only car any gardener should ever be allowed anywhere near is one of those VW Beetles with the flower vase on the dash!



David Fermani
05-13-2012, 10:42 AM
I have a great client that has a large exotic car collection and he has a guy wash all his cars every week with Dawn, a crudy wash mitt and dirty cotton towels. (he does use RO water). Every time me and my assistant (Todd Helme) are there detailing his cars and the wash guy is doing his thing we crack up, smack high 5`s and look at each other and say "I love job security". :think2:rofl

While you`re there, you should put up a big sign in this person`s yard with your contact info on it. Hopefully you`ll get some calls. (edit - looks like your van has some nice signage)

I find it interesting that the front end of this guy`s car is all scratched up and he wants to cheap out and just have it detailed instead of having a body shop fix it 1st. Oh well, as long as you get the work who cares?