View Full Version : Opti-Coat 2.0 applicator question

04-22-2012, 10:37 PM
I hurried in and cleaned the applicator that came with the OC 2.0 and I can`t feel anything on the applicator that I feel would mar the paint if I used it again. Is it necessary to buy some new applicators or should my original applicator be good to go tomorrow? I only had time to finish half of the car tonight.

So far so good. Getting the paint absolutely perfect was a bit of a pain since I knew I was using a permanent coating and I`m anal about details, but it applies easily and levels without fuss. It also looks great even without any kind of lsp.



:edit: Oh, and you can add a second layer of OC 2.0 after a week or so, correct? I believe I read this. I`d like to add a second layer so I know I have even coverage and for the extra durability as I never want to have to machine polish the car again.

04-22-2012, 11:18 PM
I reuse the applicators until the tube runs out. New tubes have new applicators so it works out fine.

Not sure about the layering, probably get a good answer on Optimum`s forum.

04-22-2012, 11:47 PM
You can layer within 30 days. After that the surface needs to be scuffed.

04-23-2012, 12:07 AM
Thanks guys.

I`ll finish up the car this week and layer another coating within the month.

Scott, I appreciate your contributions to the board. I used to think your work was decent, but nothing special because of your crappy camera. Then I saw a thread where your customers took pictures of your work up on the top level of a parking deck and it was PHENOMENAL. It`s because of your advice that I tried OC and also ONR. So here`s a big thanks and please get a better camera. A simple Canon Rebel XSI and a 2.8 50mm lens would cost around $600 a be a big upgrade! My wife is a photographer and this is what she started out with years ago. The lenses that come with the camera bodies are crap, btw.

tom p.
04-23-2012, 06:46 AM
Chris, I asked David about re-using the pads. He suggested they`d harden after a while. I found these on eBay for less than $4 delivered:


They`re very similar to the pad supplied by OPT.

Seller name: 500_somewhere

C. Charles Hahn
04-23-2012, 10:33 AM
:eek: Those are the foam pads I used to get at Big Lots years ago! Those were awesome. Used to be $1.00 for that 4-pack, but I haven`t seen any around in a long time.

Lately I`ve been using the foam applicators 3D sells:

3D Car Care; Car Wash, Car Wax, Auto Detailing supplies, Car Polishers, Car Buffers & accessories store (http://www.autopia-store.org/Black-Foam-Applicator.html)

Bill D
04-23-2012, 10:45 AM
I have a crap load of Meguiars foam applicators, the kind with the Meguiars name embossed on one side. I don`t know if they`re best for OC, I`d only be able to use one side, if any.

04-23-2012, 01:57 PM
Anyone that puts the foam in a latex glove and then covers it with a blue shop towel? Does this work or is it easier to just use the foam applicator?

04-23-2012, 02:09 PM
Tried that, didn`t like it.

04-23-2012, 03:40 PM
Thanks for the link to the pads. I also didn`t want to try the glove or plastic baggie + shop towel.

I did discover that I have streaks running through portions of the coating now that I pulled the car out into the sunlight. I guess I`ll have to polish the coating back off and try it again and spend more time leveling it out.

Oh well, live and learn.

I`ll have to wait until this weekend to finish my car if I can`t get it done tonight. I`m doing a 2 step polish and detail on a friend`s `69 Chevelle SS Tuesday through Friday evenings for a car show on Saturday. This will be my first classic car and I`m excited! It`s a gorgeous car, but the paint looks like it has been cleaned with a brillo pad for years.

04-23-2012, 04:15 PM
I ordered a bunch of applicator pads, just incase i needed them for situations like this!

04-23-2012, 09:47 PM
Thanks guys.

I`ll finish up the car this week and layer another coating within the month.

Scott, I appreciate your contributions to the board. I used to think your work was decent, but nothing special because of your crappy camera. Then I saw a thread where your customers took pictures of your work up on the top level of a parking deck and it was PHENOMENAL. It`s because of your advice that I tried OC and also ONR. So here`s a big thanks and please get a better camera. A simple Canon Rebel XSI and a 2.8 50mm lens would cost around $600 a be a big upgrade! My wife is a photographer and this is what she started out with years ago. The lenses that come with the camera bodies are crap, btw.

I took photography in college, have a really nice Nikon N60 but its a 35mm film camera, just not enough exposure adjustment to handle the contrast of black cars on pavement in the full sun so I got a Sony Cybershot about 4 years ago, which unfortunately over the last year has been slowly going bad. Just replaced it about a week ago with an Olympus SP-610UZ. Huge upgrade, 14 MP, 22x zoom, much more control over the exposure settings so I can adjust for unusually light or dark backgrounds so the contrast looks better.

This is with the new camera:



tom p.
09-17-2012, 06:48 PM
Guys, has anyone found an alternate to the foam applicator for OptiCoat? I think I`ve seen people using paper towel and maybe an MF towel. I`m wondering if the foam applicators simply absorb the majority of the product and I end up getting very little applied to the surface. Thanks.