View Full Version : getting up after failing...

04-04-2012, 08:25 AM
Hello, my name is Alex, i have been on here a lot at some point, learned to detail professionally. Operated my biz for year from my home and mobile, had a lot of love until about half way of it then my mind concentrated on making money and squeezing profits as much as i can because i wanted to buy a dream car. I did not care to expend it because i was scared to loose money i saved. At some point i had a lot of money for being young (was 20). then i bought the car i wanted - it was a newer 03 BMW 745li. And then i lost interest in life or work and tried to fill my interest by trying pills (mainly Vicodin, then morphine and then started smoking), and then my life turned in opposite direction, then tried harder drugs to get off from withdrawals . That made even worse because i switched to it and did it for more then a month. Was in depression and felt helpless, lost almost everything i worked hard for if it wasn`t for my lovely gf that was helping me. Because of her help i didn`t lost my car. Slow winter times and no point in life increased my depression and i was thinking that its over and nothing can help me. At one time my eyes opened and i realized what i had became, from going successful to low life broke druggie. And it happened so fast too. Now i am motivating myself and being thankful for every little thing, i started again with some small amount of customers that i still had and doing best i can do and not looking at how much i make (i do not work for cheap, fair prices) and try to succeed again but this time without some mistakes that i learned along the way. I know some of you might call me stupid but what happened had happened. I realized that i failed and blame myself for it and do not want to be beaten up and be quitter. I know i can succeed again, even more then before because i really want it and its a burning desire that is just rushing in my veins. I have plan by getting up on feet and building stronger customer base and name again and soon open a real detail shop. I am not scared of failing at it but will put all my energy to succeed. I know a lot about whole sale work, private and high end polishing. I will work harder then i ever did and doing it better/smarter from learned mistakes. I am coming from poor family and with help of God i had trained myself that the person is who he/says he is. I learned that if i want something i have to get it myself and no one will help me except me. I am willing to work extra to satisfy client and will be working as much as needed. If anyone of you have any advise or suggestions or just good word pls welcome to do so.

04-04-2012, 08:30 AM
Welcome back and good luck. Don`t have any advice for the business as I`m not a pro. My prayers go out to you. I`m a Dave Ramsey kinda guy so if you have the opportunity to do that I`d say do it.

DaVinci Detail
04-04-2012, 10:39 AM
Brother, don`t feel bad about failing/making mistakes. We`re human, and that`s when we truly learn how to overcome adversity. Who hasn`t made mistakes? Exactly, everyone.

You`ve been given a gift of making that `mistake`, which is really a learning experience.

You learn more failing than succeeding. You`re a better person for having gone through that experience.

Oh by the way, material things mean nothing. Sounds like you have a great gf and you`re lucky for that.

Good luck.

David Fermani
04-04-2012, 08:24 PM
You`re awsome! This is a very touching thread and it takes real guts to spill out this type of personal info in a public forum. I`m sure this event will only make you stronger. Things happen for a reason. Be thankful that you had the strenght to pull away from this mess and recalibrate your focus on life. You should be very greatful to your girlfiend as well. Good luck in everything you do and stay strong. Keep us posted on your progress and let us know if you need some support.

04-04-2012, 09:55 PM
Real balls too man up like that. Takes a lot to realize when one has ****ed up too such a degree. Like they say, when you truly hit rock bottom there is no other way then up. Going from the top too the bottom only helps you appreciate what you had and make it that much more worth it too get it back.

I will simply live this for you...

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9

04-04-2012, 10:02 PM
Where are you located?

Richard Grasa
04-05-2012, 12:16 PM
Much respect for posting that. You are not, were not stupid, you lived and you learned. If you ever need anything, we are all here. Good luck with everything and I know you can succeed at whatever you do. Surround yourself with good people and good things will come.

04-05-2012, 01:58 PM
Thank you evryone so much for support! it means a lot to me! I am getting better by a little bit, it is very very hard. Life is getting little better each time and i slowly started detailing again, yesterday I detailed a new Civic i put all my skills and love into it and when customer came back he was so happy and amazed how good the car looked so he tipped me $20 more and when the car was leaving i was sooo happy of my work by looking how clean and shiny the car was when it was driving away ! :) I failed from time but am picking up myself and motivating and moving forward. Very hard for me since i was on the hardest crap on the streets... never even thought of myself i would ever be like that. Thank you everyone again for everything, I learned from all of you when i was learning to detail. and I keep learning.

04-05-2012, 04:20 PM
Being stupid and acting stupid are two different things. You made some bad decisions, but you`re trying to move on and recover from being a person you don`t want to be, to becoming the man you`re proud to be. Kudos for that and for working to turn things around. I understand the road to recovery isn`t quick or easy, and professional detailing isn`t either.

Work hard and keep focused and I wish you the best of luck.

04-13-2012, 05:37 PM
Keep your chin up brother. We always learn far more from our mistakes than we do from our successes. I came from a family with money. You learned a lesson people will ridicule and scoff at who have never been in it. You never know how depressed you can be until you have money and success and still feel empty. People who have never been rich think thats a joke but believe me, finding success or money or however you define it, and STILL being the same person and depressed is a very lonely and disgusting feeling.

Be strong, stay on course, and hold on like hell to anyone who saw you through those hard times, they are the people who truly love you. As my favorite author Hunter Thompson said "Trust in God, but row away from the rocks all the same"

Peace brother.

04-13-2012, 05:51 PM
Any updates? How ya doing brother?

04-29-2012, 12:59 PM
Good luck on getting better and starting up your own business. We all made mistakes, we just need to admit them and make sure we don`t do them again.

05-01-2012, 11:01 PM
all that crap is now water under the bridge. time to dust off and go at your detailing even harder. we all make mistakes in life, we are just gald that you snapped out of the lifestyle.


05-02-2012, 08:42 AM
Learn from the past but don`t live in it. Sounds like you`re on the road to success, stay focused and I wish you the best. My own father had a serious issue with alcohol at one point in his life, well if you knew my mom - hell, you`d drank too, but he was drinking way too much and a doctor told him if he wanted to see his grand daughter grow up, he had to quit. He came home, poured out all the booze and NEVER touched it again. That old guy had a cast iron will, and when he wanted something, he could move mountains.