View Full Version : Cleaning grease off of weather stripping?

03-20-2012, 08:15 PM
A few years ago I applied dielectric grease to the door weatherstripping on my car, per reccomendations of the GM owners manual. Now they have since started to accumulate some dirt on the seals and in places I have probably applied a little too much. I want to take all of the grease off them and start over. Any ideas on what products I could use to safely, without drying out the rubber, remove the dielectric grease?

03-20-2012, 08:25 PM
I would try the lowest dilution of APC that does the trick to remove the grease followed by an application of appropriate dressing.

Ron Ketcham
03-20-2012, 08:42 PM
A little lighter fluid, honest-it`s naptha, will do the trick quicker and since it evaporates so quick will not enter the substrate of the rubber.

Then apply your favorite rubber dressing.
