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Paul Sparks
03-16-2012, 09:50 AM
Found a video from Rob at TowelPros this am on FB and also a ad from Rick at ADS for a towel that takes the place of claying. Never saw a hint of this at SEMA this year. Looks to be unique but was wondering if it will mar more then clay itself ? Anyone have any additional info on such a towel ?

03-16-2012, 11:01 AM
I was told that they were at SEMA for three years! LOL. I told Innovative, "They should be at SEMA." His reply, "They`ve been there for three years!" Maybe in the back corner? The towel concept is what is new, however.


03-16-2012, 11:03 AM
Here is the link to the video I made:

NanoSkin Detail Towel - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuyOoUDTAJs)

Paul Sparks
03-16-2012, 12:22 PM
I did see NanoSkin`s booth at SEMA but there was no mention of the towel. I was wanting to try their scrubber pad type system but they never got back with me. Their rep even went out to the Holiday Inn parking lot and did a demo on some guys pick-up that was loading product from another vendor. I tried to purchase that system on the spot but was told to wait for a rep to contact me. From seeing your video it has got my attention and I would like to try this product out.

Innovative Detailing
03-16-2012, 12:36 PM
Like I told you Rob.......its an awesome product!

I haven`t touched a clay bar in over 45 days.....it still continues to amaze me!

Here is a video I put together showing how easy this product works..

Nanoskin Towel Video surface prep detail towel - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFqxu3yHEPw)

03-16-2012, 03:21 PM
Is this towel now going to replace the Nanoskin Autoscrub. I have the Autoscrub works extremely well.

03-16-2012, 06:00 PM
I would say there are cases for both. Smaller cars = nanoskin towel, vs. larger surfaces = auto scrubber. Also, I`d like to see a comparison of each side by side. Is one more aggressive than the other?

Paul Sparks
03-16-2012, 06:03 PM
Rob will you carry the towels only ?

03-16-2012, 08:18 PM
Have the liquids as well.... Both are made for the towel (glide and shock). I heard that other lubes will not exactly work correctly- marring or will break down the towel prematurely.

Am only taking orders via email or phone for now. Pretty cool concept for sure and super nice guys at Nano.

Thanks, Rob

C. Charles Hahn
03-17-2012, 01:08 AM
I heard that other lubes will not exactly work correctly- marring or will break down the towel prematurely.

Very interesting; I just ordered what appears to be the exact same towel sold under the SM Arnold name, called the "Speedy Surface Prep Towel" and their directions state to avoid soap and water as a lube, but that it "works great with your favorite showroom prep or clay lubricant product." However also notably it specifically states "Aggressive - Recommended for professional use."

My hope is the towel will do a better job of conforming to contours than the Hi-Tech Magna Sponge I`ve been using on express/AIO type jobs. I didn`t like the sponge at first but it has started to grow on me lately.

03-17-2012, 07:28 AM
I use a clay block alternative elastrofoam from CG.... Clay Bar Alternative Elastrofoam Clay Block For Automotive Detailing Paint Restoration And Overspray Removal (http://www.chemicalguys.com/Clay_Bar_Alternative_Elastrofoam_Clay_Block_p/clay_block_kit.htm) Works great for me.

03-17-2012, 09:13 AM
My comments were direct from the manufacturer- the comments about using your favorite lube are not from the manufacturer. Just passing along information.

Will be interesting to read comments after the orders arrive and people get to use them a bit. Raining here all day so no chance for more play. Regarding the use on contours...great point and the way you can fold the towel should allow this to happen. Also, I`d add that this is a "tool" for detailing- I don`t think it is something that replaces clay, or other types of products that clean paint surfaces. That said, I do feel that clay sales are going to take a hit once this product is "out" there, but right now it`s new and many will wait and see.


03-17-2012, 09:15 AM
Detail Plus had those blocks for 9.95 last year. You might want to email Bud and ask if he has any left and for what price. There`s also a new one coming from a diff. manufacturer very soon....

C. Charles Hahn
03-17-2012, 11:03 AM
My comments were direct from the manufacturer- the comments about using your favorite lube are not from the manufacturer. Just passing along information.

Understood. I was just pointing out what is stated on a similar product, not that it makes what Nanoskin recommends necessarily right or wrong.

Will be interesting to read comments after the orders arrive and people get to use them a bit. Raining here all day so no chance for more play. Regarding the use on contours...great point and the way you can fold the towel should allow this to happen. Also, I`d add that this is a "tool" for detailing- I don`t think it is something that replaces clay, or other types of products that clean paint surfaces. That said, I do feel that clay sales are going to take a hit once this product is "out" there, but right now it`s new and many will wait and see.


Very true; of course the other factor that will play into clay sales is that the patent expires at some point this year which will allow others to manufacture clay -- presumably dropping the price across the board and bringing new or different varieties of it to market.

It will all come down to individual preference, speed/effectiveness/cost, and what type of jobs people are doing.

03-17-2012, 11:34 AM
I have been using Nanoskin products for almost 3 years now, and they are the most innovative high quality complete line of detailing products I have come across in a long time.