View Full Version : How do you clean sheepskin mitts

03-13-2012, 11:14 PM
This is my media of choice, whether it is a traditional wash or ONR. How do you clean them? I`ve been soaking them in some car wash soap, rinsing, and then air drying or throwing them inside out in the dryer on low.

Is it safe to use micro restore on them?

Thanks for the input

03-14-2012, 05:05 AM
Care lambs wool mitts- being a natural product they tend to moult unless treated with care; rinse with cool water after each use and allow to air dry inside out. Do not machine wash or dry as this may damage the wool or the hide. Never let it sit in water for a long period of time. Always rinse thoroughly and squeeze out as much water as possible, while making sure not to wring and twist the delicate construction. As it’s hanging to dry, occasionally use your palms to “comb” down the fibres so that they doesn’t stiffen as it dries

03-14-2012, 12:17 PM
OneQuickGT1- First a little disclaimer: take TOGWT`s advice. Do it as he recommends. Don`t pay attention to what I do. OK, that said...

Mine seldom get dirty enough to need cleaning, but when I get something nasty on them (e.g., grease, etc.) I usually spot-clean them with Dawn and then wash them in the machine on "gentle/delicate".

I`ve also laundered then in Woolite with no obvious ill effects, but yeah...the whole machine washing thing seems really hard on them, and it`ll speed up their eventual shedding/etc.

You`re probably better off washing them by hand with very thorough rinsing, and I never bother drying mine out (just let `em air-dry, hanging over the edge of the bucket).

I guess it`s kinda funny that mine survive such abusive/neglectful treatment as well as they do, but they seem to last a good long time for me.

citizen arcane
03-14-2012, 02:43 PM
Gentle/delicate cycle (w/ no additional soap) here as well after every use. Especially heed the advice not to let them remain wet longer than necessary - mine immediately go in the wash after use. A few caveats involving two incidents:

The first one involved washing a mitt by itself, it seemed to have gotten caught under the agitator and was ripped. I now use and wash 2-3 mitts together. The second was when I left a few in a bucket to wash another day. I guess the leather got super saturated because they *really* came apart in the wash, so I now wash them immediately after use.

Try a search for those who configured wire coat hangers to allow their mitts to air dry on the line.

WD Pro
03-14-2012, 06:24 PM
I have been thinking of writing up my care method for my mitts - triggered by me looking around for recomendations for a new mitt and hearing stories of people killing them off in a few weeks ?! :faint2:

My care goes against a lot of things I have read, but either a) it seems to work or b) I randomly bought two super mitts.

For info, I have just replaced my first ever weekly used meguiars `wash` mitt and I am about to replace the `wheel` mitt - both bought around the time I joined this site ...


Brad B
03-14-2012, 09:49 PM
I have machine washed and line dried my sheepskin mitts for years. My best mitts have easily been washed many, many times. Works for me, anyway. The trick is to use a "delicates bag". This is a zippered mesh bag that you insert the mitts into before you drop in the washer. These bags protect what`s inside them and allows the washing to be as gentle as possible. More common uses for these bags include women`s pantyhose and bras. My wife gave me my own dedicated delicates bag. I wonder why? :)