View Full Version : Rinse-less washing vs pine needles and other tree garbage

03-08-2012, 06:27 PM
Any advice on rinse-less washing when pine needles and other tree garbage are present? I try to flick them off the sponge because they just float in the bucket and get picked up by the sponge again, pretty frustrating to be honest. Maybe I should try using a small fish tank net to scoop all the floaters off the top of the water, thats all I got LOL

Also, I used a cheap microfibre one time and got all kinds of organic tree stuff, possibly pollen but im not sure, stuck in the fibres that wont wash out, not even in the washing machine. Should I try presoaking in APC to try and break done the organic fibres? Is presoaking and then using a washing machine the best way to wash microfibres, even expensive fluffy ones?



David Fermani
03-08-2012, 06:31 PM
What`s stopping you from rinsing the car off before doing the WW?

03-08-2012, 07:04 PM
When doing mobile quick washes I dont want to have to drag a hose out and use the customers water.

David Fermani
03-08-2012, 07:06 PM
I`d rather drag that hose then put permanant scratches in their car. I don`t see a way around it.

Jamie 80
03-08-2012, 07:56 PM
I`d rather drag that hose then put permanant scratches in their car. I don`t see a way around it.

I agree, or at least break out a leaf blower.

03-08-2012, 08:13 PM
What about taking a tank of air and blowing it off? You could get a couple of the really inexpensive tanks at the auto parts store, fill them at home, and then use them off your mobile detailing vehicle.

03-08-2012, 08:26 PM
thats a good idea, lots of other uses for compressed air too, blowing air out of trim etc to prevent dirty drip marks for one.

Anyone have input on washing microfibre towels?