View Full Version : One of my worst nightmares happened to me...

03-08-2012, 07:47 AM
Driving up yesterday from Cincinnati to Lansing Michigan to see my ailing 98yr old grandmother with my older brother... In my Honda fit. My brother had been talking about his stomach was turning right after we left Cabela`s.

I offered to stop to pick him up some rolaids, water, whatever and iterated please let me know if you are feeling nauseous. Well... as we were pulling off of 23N on to 96W, he simply starts pointing and holding his mouth so as I attempt to swerve over three lanes and get to side of road he throws up all over my dash, my passenger door and it`s all over the windows and floors(his shirt and pants as well). It was so disgusting. Only thing I had on me were a couple towels I had in the back of the car. We stopped at the 1st place we could find which happened to be a shopping center with a Target. Where he proceeded to get cleaned up as I went and bought $35 worth of towels, disinfectant wipe, disinfectant sprays, upholstery cleaner, q-tips and of course a can of 2x febreze...

It was terrible. My brother was so mad at hisself for doing this. He didn`t even go in to see gramma bc of his whatever and spent 8+hrs in the car feeling like crap.

Got home last night around 1030p and took everything I could out. Got the steam cleaner out and ready to go now. Let`s hope this never happens again or to any of you guys. I`ve cleaned it up before but never actually witnessed it. Grossest thing ever...

03-08-2012, 07:51 AM
Not. fun. at. all.

I don`t know if I feel worse for him since I`m sure he was COMPLETELY embarrassed and deathly sick knowing it`s your car he just shat all over.

C. Charles Hahn
03-08-2012, 10:25 AM
Yuck! Witnessing that would`ve probably had me puking my guts out too :puke:

Hope you`re able to get everything cleaned up satisfactorily.

Incidentally, if you`re ever up here in Lansing again and want to meet up sometime, let me know!

03-08-2012, 10:38 AM
Been on both ends of that scenario before....not fun either way.:bolt:

When it was me doing the chunking it was rather funny though as I had eaten some green peas with dinner before going out that night. Well, tequila shots didn`t sit to well with me and I ended up blowing chunks all over my friends minivan. The best part was that some girl was passed out in the front seat and she had no idea she had green peas in her hair until the next day! :D

I spent the next morning hung over as hell cleaning my friends vehicle for him. I felt bad for what happened but I told him I needed to puke several times and he didn`t want to pull over having been drinking himself....probably more than he should have and didn`t want to risk a cop driving by.

Young and dumb back in those days!!! :nono

03-08-2012, 01:28 PM
Horrible! Luckily I know of a great guy in Lansing I refer all my barf victims to ;)

David Fermani
03-08-2012, 06:30 PM
Horrible! Luckily I know of a great guy in Lansing I refer all my barf victims to ;)

Don`t wait til the summer or else it could start smelling like Tuna. :rofl

C. Charles Hahn
03-08-2012, 06:45 PM
Horrible! Luckily I know of a great guy in Lansing I refer all my barf victims to ;)

Gee thanks, Marc....


Don`t wait til the summer or else it could start smelling like Tuna. :rofl
