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02-21-2012, 12:01 PM
can i polish/wax my car with my hands using a simple pad?

in intent to use finishkare

Finish Kare 1000P Hi-Temp Sealant - Clean Your Car (http://www.cleanyourcar.co.uk/sealants/finishkare-1000p-hi-temp-sealant/prod_589.html)

or is a polishing machine a must? (i dont have a garage)


02-21-2012, 12:09 PM

Polishing by hand can be done and you do not necessarily need a machine, but using one will save you time and energy. Also, a machine is much better at removing swirls and scratches. You can definitely apply waxes/sealants by hand as they are just manufactured to rest on top of your paint and protect it from environmental factors.

Polishing by hand will take much longer and is not as efficient. When you are done you will feel like you were at the gym for a few hours. Make sure you are not including wax/polish in the same category.


02-21-2012, 12:15 PM
can i polish/wax my car with my hands using a simple pad?

in intent to use finishkare

Finish Kare 1000P Hi-Temp Sealant - Clean Your Car (http://www.cleanyourcar.co.uk/sealants/finishkare-1000p-hi-temp-sealant/prod_589.html)

or is a polishing machine a must? (i dont have a garage)


Welcome to Autopia!

While polishing out swirls and scratches by hand is *awfully* tough, waxing with FK1000P goes fine by hand. In fact, even though I have a scad of polishers and usually do my waxing by machine, I use that particular product by hand almost exclusively.

02-21-2012, 02:41 PM
my car is brand new (2 months old - white color)

i simply wash the car and then do the sealing with Meguiars NXT 2.0 Liquid Wax (i use this wax every 2-3 weeks)

now i want to try finish kare 1000p instead of meguiars nxt 2.0. is it the right choice?

am i doing it right? or shall i do something between the wash and the waxing?

02-22-2012, 12:38 AM
Between washes you should quickly remove any bird crap, tar, bugs, chemicals/acids from the paint with QD or just wash it again. Also, do not park next to sprinklers and try to park in the shade out of the sun if possible. When your at a parking lot try to find a safe place in the back to park.

02-22-2012, 10:43 AM
my car is brand new (2 months old - white color)

i simply wash the car and then do the sealing with Meguiars NXT 2.0 Liquid Wax (i use this wax every 2-3 weeks)

now i want to try finish kare 1000p instead of meguiars nxt 2.0. is it the right choice?

am i doing it right? or shall i do something between the wash and the waxing?

The right choice is using the wax or sealant you like best. There really isn`t a right or wrong here, appearance is too subjective. Try a few different waxes and sealants to see what you like.

At the very least you should use a clay bar to make sure the paint is perfectly smooth and free of bonded contaminants. At some point, you should get a proper polisher and use it to deep clean and polish the paint.

tom p.
02-22-2012, 11:37 AM
Bey, another solution that may be easier by hand for you: Clay followed by DP`s sealant

The DP sealant has a self-bonding agent in it. It`s very good in terms of rejecting dust and will easily last you a couple months in your environment.

I don`t think you should need to re-wax the car every 2 weeks as you mention with the NXT ...unless you simply seek to spend time working on the car. I believe the DP product will be easier by hand than the 1000p we discussed last week.

Can you purchase clay in Turkey?

This is the DP product: DP Poli-Coat Paint Sealant, polymer paint sealant, auto paint sealant, DP Policoat paint sealant, paint sealer (http://www.autogeek.net/dp-poli-coat-paint-sealant.html)

tom p.
02-22-2012, 11:41 AM
http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x414/billsouth/Autopia/DPpolib.jpg http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x414/billsouth/Autopia/DPpoli.jpg

02-22-2012, 12:52 PM
tom p.- I`ve never heard of the DP sealant, but if *you* (noting you`re familiar with, and partial to FK1000P) recommend it, I sure won`t argue! I`ve sure never thought of FK1000P as hard to use though.

beybifeyz- I`d sure hate to be rewaxing every few weeks! I`d be disappointed if I had to do it every few months (the FK1000P lasts for many months after you get the second coat on).

02-22-2012, 02:04 PM
If you like the looks of NXT, I think you might be a bit disappointed with FK1000P. While it does look good, its not as over the top glossy/deep as NXT. The two are very visually different. The NXT look does wash away after a few washes or lots of rain, so I can see why you re-apply frequently. If you want to get the "look" back more easily, Meguiars Ultimate Quick Wax will get you close with much less work and then you can wax every few months or so. FK1000P is a great product, I would just hate for you to be disappointed in the looks.

tom p.
02-22-2012, 03:45 PM
tom p.- I`ve never heard of the DP sealant, but if *you* (noting you`re familiar with, and partial to FK1000P) recommend it, I sure won`t argue! I`ve sure never thought of FK1000P as hard to use though.

I bought the DP sealant on Scott`s recommendation. It works very well. Was the first product ever applied to my new car and it has some great attributes.

I`m just trying to thing of ways to simplify life for our newest member since he must order everything from the UK or the USA and doesn`t have an ideal work space. I think he said his car sits out all the time.

tom p.
02-22-2012, 04:25 PM
tom p.- I`ve never heard of the DP sealant, but if *you* (noting you`re familiar with, and partial to FK1000P) recommend it, I sure won`t argue! I`ve sure never thought of FK1000P as hard to use though.

I bought the DP sealant on Scott`s recommendation. It works very well. Was the first product ever applied to my new car and it has some great attributes.

I`m just trying to think of ways to simplify life for our newest member since he must order everything from the UK or the USA and doesn`t have an ideal work space. I think he said his car sits out all the time.

02-23-2012, 07:28 AM
thanks to everybody for the constructive inputs

yes, unfortunately i have no garage

i am expecting my finish kare to arrive next week. as soon i receive my package (my preciousss!) i will apply it immediately on my white volvo

will upload a few photos after cleaning/washing/waxing :)

02-23-2012, 07:46 AM
i forgot to ask, can i use finish kare on car`s windshield , mirrors and front/back lights (plastic)?

tom p.
02-23-2012, 09:34 AM
Bey, this sounds like a good strategy. Do you know which product you will use for cleaning/polishing phase before applying the 1000p? You might want to do a 2nd coat of 1000p a week later. You will get months of protection from this product, even in a hot climate.

Yes, 1000p is fine on glass and plastics. I have never used it on the windshield.
