View Full Version : Werkstat Products !!!!!!!

02-07-2012, 10:28 PM
Ive been detailing for prob 5-6 years and wow im still leaarning as new products come out.

i just ordered

Werkstat acrylic prime

Werkstat acrylic jet

carnuba glos

hopefully im not bugging anyone with asking for alot of info. ive never used this product im hopeing i can get as much feedback as possible. i cant seem to find much reviews on the products. like after i use this acrylic jet they say its the best shine should i also use wax after the sealant? or is this sealant alone fine.

thank you all

02-08-2012, 01:49 AM
If you ordered the Acrylic prime and Acrylic jett, you will need the Acrylic Glos, not the Carnauba Glos. The Glos products are just maintenance sprays to top up the protection and you ordered the one that goes with the Carnauba Jett. The Acrylic Jett will look awesome by itself. I`m sure you`ll be happy with it. Just remember, with the Werkstat stuff, less is more. One or two sprays per panel.

02-08-2012, 07:00 AM
maybe he sent me the wrong?. after acrylic jet what can i use between details cause i wipe the car down everytime i take it out dust etc, from the garage. carnuba jet wont ruin or take away from the shine will it?.

acrylic prime then acrylic jet? sorry for all the questions id hate to go through all this work and fu*k the system up, and if i use a regular paste wax after acrylic jett does it take away from the AJ shine etc. and can i use a regular spray wax in between details?

thank you



02-08-2012, 09:51 AM
Carnauba Glos will leave a bit deeper finish than Acrylic Glos, so yes it will dumb down the shine a wee bit but not much. The Glos products are for exactly that, getting rid of light dust between washes. Yes, apply the Acrylic Prime before the Jett. If applying by hand, go back and forth until it almost disappears. That will make it alot easier to remove. If you have any stubborn bits, you can get them when you go over the car with the Acrylic Jett. No need to use a spray wax between details. If you have a few minutes after washing/drying, just throw on another coat of AJT. After a bit of practice, you`ll be able to do a mid sized car in about 15-20 minutes. :) Two coats will usually give you around 4-6 months of protection, easily.

02-08-2012, 03:03 PM
Werkstat products truly have a unique gloss, even on internet posted pictures I can spot Werkstat cars. Excellent durability too. Agree with Ken, less is more with Werkstat.

02-10-2012, 07:12 AM
Werkstat products truly have a unique gloss, even on internet posted pictures I can spot Werkstat cars. Excellent durability too. Agree with Ken, less is more with Werkstat.

All true. Werkstat really amps up the shine.

02-10-2012, 07:15 PM
Werkstat products truly have a unique gloss, even on internet posted pictures I can spot Werkstat cars. Excellent durability too. Agree with Ken, less is more with Werkstat.

I am surprised I don`t see you use Werkstat more on the Click and Brags (or whatever they are called now). I see you generally use Opti-Seal very comment when you go the sealant route. Do you like Opti Seal better?

02-11-2012, 12:24 AM
I need to order a bottle of Trigger as we speak. Good stuff!!