View Full Version : meguair`s nxt and carnauba.

03-09-2006, 12:05 PM
I already have Meguiar`s NXT. I didn`t weeks of research on the best wax for the buyer. i found out that NXT is good at protecting the paint but not giving it that deep gloss, and that it magnifies swirls marks. I figured on buying mothers carnauba to put as a top coat over the NXT. Do you think that would be ok?

03-09-2006, 12:08 PM
Whaaaa??? You feel that NXT magnifies swirls? NXT has fillers in it that actually hides swirls. I`d say that it looks pretty good too. It is definitely a synthetic looking product, but I think it looks good. For an OTC sealant you can`t really get much better from what I`ve seen. I would suggest that you try using it first and then see if you still feel the need to top it with something. If you wanted to top it with a carnauba then you could do that, but I haven`t seen a need to top NXT with anything else. It works pretty good all by itself.

03-09-2006, 12:15 PM
I already have Meguiar`s NXT. I didn`t weeks of research on the best wax for the buyer. i found out that NXT is good at protecting the paint but not giving it that deep gloss, and that it magnifies swirls marks. I figured on buying mothers carnauba to put as a top coat over the NXT. Do you think that would be ok?You need to revisit wherever you got your information about NXT Tech Wax properties.
Either you didn`t read it correctly, you didn`t post it correctly or the information was totally wrong and you should avoid that source of information in the future.
1. Meguiar`s NXT Tech Wax is a good OTC, (Over The Counter), product.
2. NXT is good at protecting paint, but isn`t the longest lasting wax available.
3. NXT does give a good deep gloss.
4. NXT does not magnify swirls, it fills/hides them.

Charles http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a259/CharlesEW/wavey.gif

03-09-2006, 12:17 PM
i already did use it. and i used carnauba before and carnaube is still working on my paint. i think carnauba tops it off. it`s less watery than nxt and more consentrated.

I`ve been to numberous websites that all said the same thing.

But just wanted to combined the two, if you know what i mean. to get that nxt poly protection with that deep shine of carnauba.

03-09-2006, 12:19 PM
The answer is that yes, you can combine them, but if a carnauba glow with synthetic protection is what you want then you don`t have to use a sealant/wax combo to get it. There are a few sealants out there that will give you what you want. They just don`t sell them at AutoZone. :lol: If you want to order online then I think you`ll find many products out there that will do what you are looking for in one step.

03-24-2006, 06:43 PM
I bought NXT because I thought that it was a pure carnuba with no cleaners, I didn`t know until recently that Gold Class was a cleaner wax, and I thought I could put it on top of EX without any problems so now I have $30 in Meguiars waxes that will just take off my EX. I am just gonna order some Natty`s Blue or Pink Wax soon.

03-24-2006, 07:30 PM
I bought NXT because I thought that it was a pure carnuba with no cleaners, I didn`t know until recently that Gold Class was a cleaner wax, and I thought I could put it on top of EX without any problems so now I have $30 in Meguiars waxes that will just take off my EX. I am just gonna order some Natty`s Blue or Pink Wax soon.

I don`t think you have to worry about the amount of cleaner properties in GC to take off your EX (JMO)

03-24-2006, 07:54 PM
Well if I was using GC i would be worried about it taking of the EX. GC has mild cleaners in it to take off a sealant that is under it. Both are good products but I would not top GC with EX. It would be one or the other but not both.

Larry A
03-24-2006, 09:21 PM
Whats wrong with just putting another coat of EX on? I think that EX leaves a super high gloss that makes it a great LSP.