View Full Version : Need help restoring trim on 01 4runner

01-30-2012, 05:34 PM
01 4Runner

I tried using Mother`s Back to Black, but it doesn`t seem to work well. The trim on the grill, specifically, has pollen stains that do not seem to come out. I`ve tried this product on my Nissan Frontier and it worked great. I just can`t seem to get the product to do much. Do you have any recommendations on what I can try?

I need to sell the vehicle soon, so I am limited to picking up products locally.

01-30-2012, 07:14 PM
The key with most trim products is all in the prep. They must be free of all dirt and previous products. Cleaning with APC and a brush and washing good to remove all the dirt. Then depending on if the trim is textured or not determines what use. I like Klasse AIO works well and also Black Wow. Needs to left on for a few hours to soak in then wiped with towel to level the finish.

02-03-2012, 11:49 PM
back to black works on more porous unfinished black rubber surfaces. Scrub them really clean with an APC and let them dry, then wipe the Back to Black on real heavy with a brush, let it soak in. Do it again. Then wipe off to level the finish.

02-04-2012, 09:52 AM
valugard etr would definitly restore the trim. gtechniq c4 work for me on a couple of cars.

02-04-2012, 02:48 PM
Besides the ETR approach (and it is an *approach*, meaning a major process you might not want to bother with in some cases), when I have problematic trim I use Autoglym`s Bumper Care.

Yeah, clean it up as best you can. But even after [whatever cleaning] some trim still just looks pretty bad. The Bumper Care works great for me, and repeated use seems to actually "restore" the trim to some extent (but those scare-quotes are intentional ;) ), sometimes to the point that I can just switch to spritzing it with ValuGard`s Fast Finish.

02-05-2012, 01:10 PM
I have said this many times...the only product that lasts, is not oily and absolutely does not wash off is Gtechniq C4. Expensive, but it lasts for two years minimum. .8 ounce will do my Hummer H3 and it has tons of trim. The stuff is absoluetly amazing! Go to You Tube and search for Gtechniq C4. A lot of people, not representatives of the company, have posted videos of their experience, Another great thing about C4 is once you apply it, you can get all of the wax on your trim as you want. It just wipes right off like it does on your painted surfaces. No staining whatsoever!

Get C4 at Oak Shak in Hawaii. Only place in the US that sells it.