View Full Version : Other Online Forums?

03-08-2006, 02:45 PM
Recently in order to ask question`s online about my 540 BMW, I joined up to three BMW based sites....What I found is about 20% of those forums really are people that are interested in asking questions or reading about BMW related issues...Most of what I found when I hit..."new posts" was a bunch of kids (guessing by the language) talking about everything else using the "off topic" forum...this was a total waste of time IMO for me.

I have to admit that this forum stays in tune for what it is....Thanks

03-08-2006, 04:29 PM
Great question. I also like to visit forums that within reason, stay on topic. This site and Autopia (http://www.autopia.org/) for detailing. El Camino Central (http://elcaminocentral.com/) and Chevy Talk (http://www.chevytalk.com/) for my Chevrolet fix.

03-08-2006, 07:06 PM
I just find that most of these forums are there for research like the BMW ones that I am a member of....What I have noticed more than anything is you see threads there that are about everything but BMW in most cases....I don`t really find that here at DC its really a well run site and it seems to stay in true with what it is detailing and the likes of that.