View Full Version : I won! I won!

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Brad B
01-23-2012, 06:30 PM
My humble bimmer won in a photo contest sponsored by Bavarian Autosport, a BMW parts supplier. My `73 2002tii won the "Classic" category. I got a $100 gift certificate and the chance to have my car pictured on their website and printed catelog. Woohoo!

Here is the link to my photo on their Facebook page. Lot`s of other pics there, too.

2011 Photo Contest | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.343562332338969.91123.115286568499881&type=1#!/photo.php?fbid=343567139005155&set=a.343562332338969.91123.115286568499881&type=3&theater)

Greg Gellas
01-23-2012, 06:34 PM
Congrats...It`s pretty clear u take care of that 2002 :D Nice work.

Garry Dean
01-23-2012, 07:29 PM
Congrats! Good luck getting into the magazine!

01-23-2012, 08:20 PM
LOVE 2002`s. Such classic little cars.

C. Charles Hahn
01-23-2012, 08:37 PM
Very cool, Brad! I`m sure you`ll get chosen for the website and catalog, yours is by far the cleanest and best preserved 2002 I`ve ever seen.

Brad B
01-23-2012, 09:10 PM
Thanks for the compliments, guys. I only have a point and shoot camera. I hope to get a nicer camera someday when the budget allows.

Ron Ketcham
01-23-2012, 09:29 PM
High five, buddy!

Great things happen to good people who care.


01-23-2012, 09:48 PM
congrats! always feels good to know other people appreciate your ride!

Envious Eric
01-23-2012, 10:11 PM
red looks good on that car! Congrats

that reminds me, I need to schedule my client who has a white one!

01-23-2012, 11:22 PM
Great looking 02 Brad. Congrats.

01-24-2012, 12:03 AM
That`s pretty cool!

David Fermani
01-24-2012, 12:22 AM
That`s great Brad! If anyone`s cars deserve this honor it would be yours.

good guys
01-24-2012, 03:18 AM

01-24-2012, 06:17 AM
Kudos...well deserved

01-24-2012, 09:55 AM
Super clean - super car! Congratulations Brad!
