View Full Version : MF...stuff stuck in the nap

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01-12-2012, 11:19 AM
it seems like stuff always get stuck in my pakshak MF towels and all i can do is try to pick the stuff out. washing doesn`t always lift everything off. do you guy have the same problems and have any technique for removing things that get caught in the nap? just wondering at what point do you trash the towels and get new ones, though as stick as the nap is it seems impossible not to pick up little particles in there.

Richard Grasa
01-12-2012, 01:22 PM
I`ve had this problem with certain MF`s, stuff gets stuck and just won`t come off. But since I`ve started using the MF`s from Walmart for all but the high end detailing, I don`t have this problem with those. They are like $10 for 15 towels so when I do have this problem now, I just toss them since my time is worth more than the towel, but it`s pretty rare I have to do that.

Also, I think the fact that I have stopped throwing my towels on the floor when they get dirty has helped alot as well. If you`re not heavily invested in the towels you already have, maybe try a different brand or be careful to throw them in a bin or something where they won;t get any further contaminated. And don`t throw the towels with this problem in with ones that don`t so the cleaner ones will stay cleaner.

01-12-2012, 02:58 PM
I just try to avoid getting them contaminated with such stuff in the first place, doing initial work with something else (like BHBs) to get the "big stuff" off first.

01-12-2012, 03:28 PM
maybe mine are just sticky, but there is pretty much no way that nothing can stick to them. sometimes it might just be left over lint from the washing machine (harmless usually), but occasionally i will see small splinters in them or other hard-ish contaminants. they never go on the floor or near anything that might contaminate them honestly, but quite frankly are sticky enough to catch something in the air...

have you guys used the pakshak MF towels? maybe it`s just these particular types of towels.

01-12-2012, 03:49 PM
maybe mine are just sticky, but there is pretty much no way that nothing can stick to them. sometimes it might just be left over lint from the washing machine (harmless usually), but occasionally i will see small splinters in them or other hard-ish contaminants. they never go on the floor or near anything that might contaminate them honestly, but quite frankly are sticky enough to catch something in the air...

have you guys used the pakshak MF towels? maybe it`s just these particular types of towels. ....I demoted all of my aging "good towels" and replaced them with Pak Shak MF`s. Personally, I have bins that I toss my soiled towels into and I try to keep my "paint" ones away from the rest. Every once in a while I might get some sort of lint/fabric that gets stuck in one of my towels but it`s not a problem that I find common or specific to my PS MF`s (at least in my case).

01-12-2012, 07:15 PM
I keep my clean towels in a plastic drawer chest from Walmart and put the used ones in a 5 gal bucket and with lid until I got enough to do a batch in the wash. This seems to keep them clean and free from dust and particles that are in the garage. Once in a while I`ll notice small "splinters" of wood, leaves or whatever in the towel and I just pick them out. I always examine each towel on both sides after the wash before I fold and put them away to pick out debris left behind. I agree it is time consuming but good towels are too damn expensive for me to throw them out.

01-12-2012, 07:26 PM
I`ve had this problem with certain MF`s, stuff gets stuck and just won`t come off. But since I`ve started using the MF`s from Walmart for all but the high end detailing, I don`t have this problem with those. They are like $10 for 15 towels so when I do have this problem now, I just toss them since my time is worth more than the towel, but it`s pretty rare I have to do that.

Also, I think the fact that I have stopped throwing my towels on the floor when they get dirty has helped alot as well. If you`re not heavily invested in the towels you already have, maybe try a different brand or be careful to throw them in a bin or something where they won;t get any further contaminated. And don`t throw the towels with this problem in with ones that don`t so the cleaner ones will stay cleaner.

I throw away my `chepo`s` on a regular basis, Most of the time I`ll get more than a year of use from them when they do go in the garbage which is all I expect for an all-use towel. Aside from that I`m starting to wash my painted surface/ good towels seperate. I`m sure they`ll pickup stuff in the washer from your normal clothes that gets left behind even if you are super carefull.

01-12-2012, 08:04 PM
but quite frankly are sticky enough to catch something in the air...

have you guys used the pakshak MF towels? maybe it`s just these particular types of towels.

Pretty much 100% Pak Shak here. Sounds like yours are getting a static charge to them from the dryer? I take my towels out of the dryer with just a bit of dampness to them to avoid too much static charge--and/or I let them sit for a while before I fold them.

Before I use a towel, I shake it out and look it over closely to see if there`s anything clinging to the nap. If need be, give a towel a quick scan under one of those magnifying lights to double check. If I see something in the nap of the towel, I use tweezers to get it out. And I trim any loose pieces of nap.


01-13-2012, 02:33 AM
3 washes later I am still dealing with lint. A used Magic Eraser got mixed into my general purpose MF`s and into the wash. Ya not good.

01-13-2012, 07:17 AM
3 washes later I am still dealing with lint. A used Magic Eraser got mixed into my general purpose MF`s and into the wash. Ya not good.

lol, mager eraser MF towels? sounds like you need to patent that!

01-13-2012, 09:21 AM
[...doing initial work with something else (like BHBs) to get the "big stuff" off first.] Accumulator

The very nature of Microfiber is that it consists of tiny loops that form a web of hook-like claws that can reach into the tiniest nooks and crannies, it actually lift the dirt or wax from the surface you are cleaning and then store the particle or liquid in the towel until it is washed. This is what makes Micro fibre the ideal choice for gently buffing dirt particles off delicate glass and paint surfaces, without fear of abrasion.

01-13-2012, 12:04 PM
Some additional, sorta-random, thoughts follow:

- Most of my good MFs are from PakShak, no better/worse in this regard than any others IME

- I kinda *like* that static charge effect, but I guess that`s just me

- If you`re getting contamination from the washer, I`d do something to clean it out

- If you`re getting "splinter"-type contamination I`d really look into where it`s coming from, sounds like severe paint damage just waiting to happen

- I hardly *ever* actually throw away MFs; I might demote terribly worn/stained ones to some household duty (and eventually they do wear out and get tossed), but the only ones I`ve thrown away over contamination were used with Autoglym`s Bumper Care and I decided they weren`t worth my time to clean properly

01-16-2012, 09:10 AM
Ill be honest with you the 6 dollar Wal Mart drying towel is fantastic. Ever since I bought a few I dont even have a use for my waffle weave towels anymore. My demotion process is simple. All good MFs start out as polish cleaners, QD wipes, etc (paintwork use), then they get demoted to wheel drying and wiping or tail pipe cleaning, from there they go to engine bay detailing, from there they go to the trash. Usually take about 2 years to get through the cycle.

01-16-2012, 11:24 AM
Ill be honest with you the 6 dollar Wal Mart drying towel is fantastic. Ever since I bought a few I dont even have a use for my waffle weave towels anymore..

Have you seen that thread where Tom P convinced me to try those?

Are yours linting any? Mine left enough lint on the Tahoe (and I`m not too Autopian about that one either!) that I`m kinda leery of using them again.

01-18-2012, 09:33 AM
Have you seen that thread where Tom P convinced me to try those?

Are yours linting any? Mine left enough lint on the Tahoe (and I`m not too Autopian about that one either!) that I`m kinda leery of using them again.

I wash all my MFs before I use them. Are you talking about the MF from walmart that has 2 different sides? One plush, and one low nap? I can see that happening with that one. I am talking about the one which is kind of medium pile and light blue. Ill see if I can post a pic.