View Full Version : Cleaning The Absorber?

01-06-2012, 01:12 AM
For you all that use The Absorber for drying, what have you all found to be the best way to clean them out. The label says that it can be thrown in the wash with laundry detergent, but what has me concerned is that some of the soap may remain in the pores of The Absorber and will be deposited on the vehicle at next use. Anyone find a better method to clean these?

01-06-2012, 12:14 PM
I do just toss mine in the washer. Even my HE washer, which isn`t as good at rinsing clear as my old-tech one, does an OK job with an extra rinse or two. You can always give it a final rinsing/wringing out by hand if you think it`s called for.

Yeah, your concern is valid IME, and yeah there are times when you will have to do that extra bit, but I don`t expect it to be all that big a deal. But then mine never gets all that dirty so it doesn`t need aggressive washing (I use it on myself, in the shower, not on the vehicles). Thinking back to when I used such stuff on the vehicles though, it wasn`t ever a problem then either.

Johnny 5
01-06-2012, 04:17 PM
I have two of these that I often use for drying glass, but I did use them on cars time to time before. Washing in a machine works perfectly fine for me, and I never notice any remaining soap. Even if there was, I imagine that this is much easier to remedy with the Absorber; you could hand rinse by dunking in water, wringing out, and repeating until satisfied; and you could still use it immediately, whereas with a MF towel you`d have to wait a long time to air dry, or at the very least wait for a dryer cycle. (I do always use "extra rinse" for *all* of my washing.)