View Full Version : "Websites for Car Detailers: 3 Common Mistakes"

01-03-2012, 12:53 PM
Wrote this one myself. See if any of these ring a bell.

"Websites are possibly the perfect marketing tool for reconditioners. First, you offer a niche service that their customers won’t necessarily ask a friend about for a referral. Second, your job is VISUAL, and a website gives you opportunity to offer visual proof that you are, indeed, the expert you claim to be. And finally, detailing is not exactly cheap. Carwashes are cheap, and people rarely research them online. But for what they’re paying a detailer…people want the DETAILS. And though I’ve MAJOR ACCEPTANCE among detailers in the last 3 years, that website is NECESSARY, I keep seeing the same 3 mistakes that really kill an otherwise good effort.

1. Title must contain the SERVICES you provide and the CITY where your business is located.

There are hundreds of millions of websites on the Internet and many of them are competing against you every time a customer uses a search engine to look for ‘car detailer’. What the customer sees in these search results is the title of your business website. This title is your first contact with potential customers who, according to this study, spend less than 15 seconds on average, browsing an entire page filled with dozens upon dozens of links before making a decision. With less than a few seconds of attention, your website title must immediately let potential customers know that your business is in or near their city and that you provide the services they are seeking.


2. Not enough info about you, the owner.

It doesn’t take a study to know that people relate to people. Your website may be filled with wonderful information, but if you don’t personalize your information with photos of you and your staff, your potential customers might move on to another site that does. Create an “About Us” or “About Me” page that answers: How long have you been in business? How did you get into the business? Have you won any awards? What do you like most about your job? What do you do when you’re not detailing? Give your customers a little peek “behind the curtain.” Yes, they want to like your work, but THEY ALSO WANT TO LIKE YOU.

3. No specials or coupons.

A special or coupon can be that final little push that takes people down from “the fence”: those customers that just can’t commit to actually booking an appointment. You don’t have to offer a Groupon-like 50% discount to give your visitor a little “nudge” either. 15 – 20% off, offering a free service (like a premium wax upgrade), offering a seasonal service at a discount (interior only detailing in the winter @ 15% off), or combining services (engine deal with premium wax) at a combined discount can work. Expiration doesn’t have to be frequent. You can change up your specials and coupons by the season. So many automotive businesses do this very well: tire service, brake service, oil/lube centers, transmission shops, etc. You see their specials in the paper, on their street signs, and on their flyers…because they WORK. But reconditioners, as a group, can improve on the tactic of strategic discounting.

You can make these fixes…in an afternoon.

Take the time to gather and email pictures and bios of you and your employees to your web designer. Have him rewrite your title to: “[City] Auto Detailing by [Company Name]. Once a season, find a special that’s PERSUASIVE without being DESPERATE. These tweaks can make a tangible difference in the phone calls and emails your site generates."

Link to original article: Websites for Car Reconditioners: Common Mistakes (http://appliedcolors.com/websites-for-car-reconditioners.html)

01-03-2012, 03:24 PM
I hear some bells! Thanks for the article.

01-03-2012, 04:01 PM
Seems most detailers dont even have websites, or they can`t be found on search engines!

01-03-2012, 07:37 PM
This some great info and inspiration. I will make finding my website a priority this year.


01-03-2012, 08:44 PM
In the process of planning a redesign for my site. Great tips

01-04-2012, 12:43 PM
let`s include an example, shall we?

Long Island Auto Detailing: Mr. Sparkle Mobile Detailing (http://www.mrsparkledetailing.com)

my site was designed by the OP (rob keppel). Take note of the fact that my face is shown often and the browser displays at the top `long island auto detailing...." which is important because long island is my target area. It is also very simple to navigate and understand (i find myself sometimes lost in other detailiers websites)

there is still plenty of space for photos of my work to show how amazing I claim to be. But first and foremost is me. Not only photos, but an `about me` page which allows people an opportunity to make some connection. Also the blog allows me to constantly display new photos and add a bit of my personality as well.

I`d also like to add that the website paid for itself pretty quickly. Immediately after announcing it`s existence to all my contacts it quickly generated a few jobs I wouldn`t have had otherwise. This weekend warrior was booked every weekend in December as a result.

01-04-2012, 05:42 PM
I`m amazed of how many people are asking if I have a website so they can see my work. It`s simply the way of the future and present.

I developed mine alone through Vistaprint. Costs me 8.95 a month. I think it pays for itself.........lol.

01-12-2012, 06:48 PM
just to demonstrate that what the OP is saying actually works.... my site launched not very long ago at which point I was invisible via google searching (could not find myself)

currently my site displays on the first page of google results for `auto detailing long island` or `mobile detailing long island`

now I have to keep it there

01-12-2012, 07:33 PM
good suggestions. There`s no reason not to have a website these days, without one, I as a potential consumer wouldn`t give you a chance even without testimony from close friends, which isn`t a frequent occurance..