View Full Version : Two Classics, one car....

12-28-2011, 07:49 AM
This is a heartwarming story... and she is into cleaning her car!

Two Classics, One Car - Video Library - The New York Times (http://video.nytimes.com/video/2011/07/08/automobiles/collectibles/100000000895665/two-classics-one-car.html?WT.mc_id=VI-D-E-TAB-AD-VAR-VIDEO-ROS-1211-NA&WT.mc_ev=click)

12-28-2011, 08:00 AM
Great story!

She seems very sharp for someone over 100 and years old as well as agile too .Did you see when she got into the car and dropped her polishing rag at the end of the video? I know people half her age that would have hit the ground trying that.


12-28-2011, 08:17 AM
Interesting car / owner, great find, thanks for posting...(showed it to my Father, he`s watched it twice thus far :)