View Full Version : Mazda 3 plastic paint scuff

12-19-2011, 12:16 PM
Hey guys,

I have a 2009 black Mazda 3 and yesterday I was back out of the drive way and didn`t realize there was another car in the driveway and light scrapped up against another parked car in the driveway. This happened on the drivers side back bumper ( I think thats what its called) anyway it left some scuffs and I tried to get them out but only a little bit came out.

Does anyone know of a product that would remove the scuffs ? Since its plastic I`m not sure if there is a whole lot I can do but I figured I would post here and see what you guys have to say. I was looking into the meguiars scratch X 2.0 and I read somewhere else about a claybar that might be able to do something but I;m not totally sure.

Any imput in very much appreicated seeing as I want to get this fixed as soon as possible and not risk screwing things up more than they already are.

Thanks in adavance.

12-19-2011, 12:24 PM
plastic/fiber parts need replacement..

if it`s not fiber then molding it smoothly in a garage is best option

Ron Ketcham
12-19-2011, 12:32 PM
Is the area exhibiting any signs of "cracks" in the paint?

That is the first step to doing a correction, idendtifing if the paint is "broke-cracked" as that means a trip to a bodyshop.

Any modern clear coat compound, not the old red sand stuff, used with a towel should slowly remove the scuff.

You must then follow up by "polishing" the affected area with a modern clearcoat polish.

This removes the "abrading marks" made by the compound,(the cloudy look) restores the gloss.

Then a coat of whatever wax/sealant you use as a last coat.


12-19-2011, 01:29 PM
I don`t think there is any cracks in the paint but I`m not a body expert so I`m not totally sure. A good way of describing is it looks like steak marks. The car that I hit was another black car a 2011 ford escape to be exact. Like I said in my previous post I did do some rubbing and some of the scuff appeared like it was coming off but I was only using toilet seeing as thats the only cloth type thing I had lying around. I was only applying a limit amount of pressure because I wasn`t sure if applying too much pressure might damage things worse or not.

I would upload a picture but I`m at school currently and they got all the photo sites blocked. After school I was going to head over to advanced auto parts and see if they might have something that would correct the issue.

Maybe you could suggest a product there that would work.

Thanks alot for your help. I know its difficult trying to diagnose things without a picture. ::happy:

Ron Ketcham
12-19-2011, 01:38 PM
For what you are going to do, any brand name of products will do the job.


12-19-2011, 01:46 PM
What type of product should I get ? There has to be thousands of products for scratch and scuff removing. I just don`t want to buy somethign that is going to make it worse then it already is. Thats all.

Ron Ketcham
12-19-2011, 02:17 PM
None of the major brands, that state on the label, "for clearcoats", etc are going to do damage if you read and follow their printed instructions.

Mequiar`s, Mother`s, 3M others, offer consumer sizes of clearcoat compounds, clearcoat polishes.


12-19-2011, 04:32 PM
You need to determine how deep it went? If only thru the clear might be able to `buff` it out.

If you drag your finger nail over where the `scuff` is does it stop, or drag when hitting?

Did you leave paint on the other car? or did the other car leave paint on yours?

Snap a picture and post it up?

12-22-2011, 05:38 AM
Funny. Same thing happened to me tonight and that`s why I`m looking at threads like this. I`ll take a picture in the morning and maybe it`ll be the same thing as the OP.