View Full Version : dog smell

12-09-2011, 05:22 AM
Hey guys

Bought a car online (07 GTi) and when I got it the interior had some dog hair and smells like wet dog. The seats have stains which I am hoping are not urine but could very well be. Will APC and a shop vac work for this? I did the drivers seat with a Shout and hot water mix and it didnt really get the stains out and the smell kinda got worse until the seat dried now its the same. Just wondering if there is anything special I could use before I do the other seats (rears are disgusting). Takes sooo long with shop vac :frusty:

12-09-2011, 08:07 AM
First thing you will need to remove every strand of dog hair. You will need a shop vac and either a pet hair brush, latex gloves, or a grill brick. Then shampoo and possibly enzyme. For pet odors I really like odor-nox. I believe it`s made by Pro but not 100% sure. Best of luck!

12-18-2011, 08:26 PM
First thing you will need to remove every strand of dog hair. You will need a shop vac and either a pet hair brush, latex gloves, or a grill brick. Then shampoo and possibly enzyme. For pet odors I really like odor-nox. I believe it`s made by Pro but not 100% sure. Best of luck!

where can I get a grill brick and what is it?

12-18-2011, 08:37 PM
First thing you will need to remove every strand of dog hair. You will need a shop vac and either a pet hair brush, latex gloves, or a grill brick. Then shampoo and possibly enzyme. For pet odors I really like odor-nox. I believe it`s made by Pro but not 100% sure. Best of luck!

where can I get a grill brick and what is it?

12-18-2011, 10:12 PM
When I detailed a car like that, I wrapped my hands in masking tape and ran them all over the interior. It works well but you do go through a lot of tape. For the smell, put a cup of vinegar in the car overnight.

Ron Ketcham
12-18-2011, 11:43 PM
Couple of ways to resolve the issue.

All that have been provided will do part of resolving the issue.

Persoanlly, I perfer to use a spray product that women use to break the static cling to their nylons.

It is an aersol anti-static cling product.

The hair is held by the static created.

Spray, brush in one direction only, then respray and vac in the same direction.

As far as the odor, it is due to the oils in the dog`s skin/hair, plus a component of the body of the dog, which I can`t spell at this time, however it is "organic" in nature and is what you are smelling, IE, the "dander" that dogs and cats and human`s fluff off their bodies.

Do the spray and vac, then using a non-evasive all purpose cleaner, mist it good and clean the area. "

Be sure and do the following."

Add two /four ounces of a product such as Odor Terminator to each quart of the all purpose you use to clean with, and do your cleaning method.

Following the cleaning, mist throughly the entire interior of the vehicle with the Odor Terminator.

Why all this?

What is creating the dog smell is bacteria, it feeds, when it does, it emits the odor.

The product I am referring to is non-toxic, not harmful to human, pets, etc, but it makes the protiens that the bacteria feed on un-acttractive so they don`t feed, they die.

There are other products such as the one I mentioned on the market, however most have a perfume odor added and you may not find that to your likeing.


12-19-2011, 09:26 AM
I have had dogs in my vehicles for over 50 years. Clean-up is not all that difficult. I vacuum any stray pet hair, and shampoo the leather with LM Strong Leather Cleaner. I protect the leather with LM Protection Cream which prevents staining. For odor I do two things. I use Arm&Hammer Pet Fresh spray on the carpeting. I also use one of their refrigerator and freezer packs. It is a box that opens up but has a perforated plastic liner to keep the baking soda in. I put this under a seat.

This A&H product removes odors like nothing else I`ve used. It doesn`t cover up odors, it extracts and removes them. I used this Pet Fresh spray on the headliner and carpeting of a car I recently did that had a strong lingering cigar odor. It completely removed all odors. I use this spray on every car I do that has any funky odors. I don`t use it on new cars as it will remove that new car smell.

Brad B
12-19-2011, 05:24 PM
+1 for Arm & Hammer Pet Fresh. Brad has used this on some pretty bad "accidents" left by my playmates. First he uses either leather or upholstery cleaner (he prefers 303 Aerospace Upholstery Cleaner), then the A&H.

-Yours truly, Sparky.
