View Full Version : Did Wal-Mart stop carrying Swirl-X?

09-29-2011, 11:54 AM
I was down to half a bottle and decided to pick up a new one next time I was there. Only they didn`t have any on the shelves, or even a shelf tag for it. I checked 3 stores, nothing. It`s not even listed on their website. Pity, as it only cost around $8 there.

So, the big question is: did they stop carrying it? If so, what`s a suitable substitute?

I even checked my local chain auto parts stores, and Target, and they didn`t have any. Meguiar`s sells it online for $10, plus $7 shipping, so it`s 2x what Wal-Mart charged.

Bill D
09-29-2011, 12:04 PM
Unless they changed the formula, I never found it to be anything that great. Depends on one`s paint I guess. I suppose with new polish technologies,the other, newly introduced OTC Megs polishes are decent substitutes.

09-29-2011, 01:55 PM
Ultimate Polish is its replacement, $6.99 at my Wal-Mart.

09-29-2011, 01:59 PM
Ultimate Polish is its replacement, $6.99 at my Wal-Mart.

Dan, have you used it yet, and if so what are your thoughts? I`ve only tried it once, but I found it wouldn`t remove the micromarring from D300 at all. This was a jet black Nissan, so it`s possible it was leaving its own marring, but I thought it was supposed to fill like crazy too?

09-29-2011, 03:17 PM
No, I`ve been tempted to pick some up but I have so many other polishes I have yet to try that I couldn`t justify it though. Give me a month or so, I`ll get bored and get it...lol.

09-29-2011, 06:29 PM
I tried it on a grey Nissan Sentra. Did the job for me on my PC with an orange LC pad. Needed a few passes to get rid of the swirls though. Didn`t seem to do much filling for me. I followed it up with 205 and got a really nice swirl free finish.

It`s not as "hardcore" as Meg`s 105 but in my opinion a heck of alot easier to work with.

09-29-2011, 06:36 PM
I tried it on a grey Nissan Sentra. Did the job for me on my PC with an orange LC pad. Needed a few passes to get rid of the swirls though. Didn`t seem to do much filling for me. I followed it up with 205 and got a really nice swirl free finish.

It`s not as "hardcore" as Meg`s 105 but in my opinion a heck of alot easier to work with.

Are you referring to Ultimate Compound or Ultimate Polish? Ultimate Compound is awesome, cuts less than 105 but sooooo easy to use. Ultimate Polish is what I was asking about. It`s supposedly less cut than 205.

09-29-2011, 06:40 PM
my local wal-mart still had the swirl-x last time i was there. so they`ll be restocking with ultimate polish from the sounds of things.

09-29-2011, 06:55 PM
Are you referring to Ultimate Compound or Ultimate Polish? Ultimate Compound is awesome, cuts less than 105 but sooooo easy to use. Ultimate Polish is what I was asking about. It`s supposedly less cut than 205.

DOH! You got me. Ultimate Compound. Sorry!! And yes, I had the same results as you with it.

10-17-2011, 02:11 PM
Saw it on clearance at target last week of you wanna give that a shot. There`s much better options out there though like m205 or menzerna IP