View Full Version : Interior, a little help

The Count
09-16-2011, 04:12 PM
Ok so 20:1 woolite right? Just vacuum, then brush, and vacuum, then spray woolite heavily then vacuum and wipe with a white towel right? Now if I spray the woolite onto the seats and then vacuum it up will some of the woolite stay in the seats and stiffen them up? Also whats the best smelling soap cuz afterwards I`d like to use a layer of the good smelling stuff to leave a nice scent. Then keep woolitting and scrubbing and vacuuming till the suds are all white right? Please give me the jist of how you do it. Thank you.

09-16-2011, 07:20 PM
You doing your own car or are you a detailer doing the work for others?

Bud Abraham