View Full Version : White/Metallic/Dust(?) Speckles in Paint/Body - Black 2006 Subaru Impreza

09-08-2011, 05:56 PM
Hi all,

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I`ve got an annoying problem with my car that I just can`t seem to find a thread on here that has the same situation.

The car is a 2006 Subaru Impreza with the delightful awful Subaru paint. The color is Obsidian Black Pearl (OBP for short).

The paint has an even distribution of miniature white speckles in it that almost look like a metallic flake, except I know that it isn`t this. It`s much more prevalent on the horizontal surfaces on the car, but I also see it on the vertical surfaces as well. I notice it on the trunk lid as well as the parts of the fenders that flare out. The car basically always looks dusty.

I also notice these same white speckles on the trim and glass, although to a much lesser extent.

To date I have given the car a full wash (2 bucket, spray gun that mixes in soap...not necessarily a foaming gun) and a quick clay. The clay I used comes from the generic Mother`s clay/quick detailer kit.

The clay didn`t seem to do ANYTHING for these spots. I also pulled out my PC7424 and hit it with some Menzerna Micropolish and a LC gray pad, which did absolutely nothing for me. I didn`t really have a lot of time to play with so I ended up going over it with S100 just to seal the paint for the time being.

I went over a test spot on the car today with some IPA to see if I could remove the spots, as I had seen some people have great luck with this for tree sap, which I had suspected might be the cause, however, this didn`t seem to do anything for me. On the glass/trim I tried to remove the speckles with my fingernail and they didn`t budge. I`m hoping someone here has had a similar problem and can lead me in a direction.

A little back history on the car to date:

For the past two winters I`ve used Collinate 845. I will admit I have only waxed it twice this season due to a broken ankle I`m recovering from and a generally busy summer.

The whole car has only been buffed 1-2 times, but I worry I may have taken a too aggressive approach as the paint wasn`t in great shape (swirls). I used Menzerna Intensive Polish with a LC Yellow then did a step down method using LC Blues and Grays. The spoiler and hood have also been buffed more times using other products such as 3M Ultrafina.

This paint is VERY susceptible to anything leaving marks. Bird droppings left more than 10-20 minutes can etch and leaving the car wet causes awful water spots.

The car is parked outside daily and I really have no access to keeping it garaged. There are pine trees that are maybe 10 feet away from the car, but they are small pines that do not come close to overhanging the car. I typically never park under trees. The ONLY thing I can think is that it may be overspray from when I painted the fenders on my pickup, but for that to happen would be rather ridiculous. I painted them in my friend`s yard in a makeshift booth with a tarp on all corners and my car was 50 feet away.

I`m just baffled since these speckles are all over the car, but are especially noticeable on the paint.

I apologize for the long post, but I figure in this case more detail is better, right?

09-08-2011, 06:24 PM
It might be epoxy paint overspray. You can use 000 steelwool on the glass and heavy duty clay on the paint. If that clay doesn`t work time to wetsand it.

Ron Ketcham
09-08-2011, 06:42 PM
Light refraction of mica particles (replacement for "metalic particles) in the base coat.

They will reflect the light off them in different ways depending up on the direction of the light source and your viewing angle.


09-08-2011, 06:52 PM

I did a little digging on the overspray front and it appears that`s what I`m up against.

I guess I`ll have to purchase some more aggressive clay and have at it.

I`m leery to follow up with a polish since I already went over the car with a CCS yellow and marred it up really bad.


Bill D
09-08-2011, 07:02 PM
Welcome MrMike :wavey

I`ve had the unfortunate experience of having to remove over spray. What worked for me was the 3 step Valugard ABC wash. I clayed during part B. For a simpler process, perhaps some Iron X alone (?) may do the trick but it wasn`t around when it happened to me. The ABC wash was a little tedious but it got the vast majority of the overspray off.

If you do successfully remove the over spray, don`t be surprised to occasionally see some left over here and there depending on the time of day or angle of light the car is in. I spotted some for a long time and had to routinely spot clay but it did work.

Hope this helps you get started.

09-08-2011, 09:07 PM
Give 10-20% acetone a shot if nothing else works such as heavy clay or decon. systems. Be sure and get the residue off quickly and very well and seal/wax after.

09-30-2011, 08:40 PM
Well...time to update this thread.

It was 100% overspray. I have a feeling it was my own stupid fault too. I had paint a pair of fenders for my Toyota pickup (basic single stage white) and had the car parked a solid 100` away. Figured since I was in a temporary spraybooth (made with tarps) I`d be fine.

I bought some Megs blue clay and some Wolfgang clay lube and spent a solid 3 hours on my hood today (clay, polish, wax). Total and complete success...now all I have to do is take a few weeks off of work to do the rest of the car.

Ron Ketcham
09-30-2011, 08:46 PM

Just so pleased that you did not use "acetone" to attempt to remove the condition.

Know why, well, very good chance that in a year or so you would see "exactly" where you wiped the paint surface with it, a "cloudy, dull" surface start to show.

If you were to look at it closely at that point, you would see the clear showing "bubbles and cracking".

Today`s modern clears don`t take kindly to the use of such active clorinated solvent exporsure.

By the way, the paint system on your vehicle is a joint venture with PPG.


09-30-2011, 11:28 PM

Just so pleased that you did not use "acetone" to attempt to remove the condition.

Know why, well, very good chance that in a year or so you would see "exactly" where you wiped the paint surface with it, a "cloudy, dull" surface start to show.

If you were to look at it closely at that point, you would see the clear showing "bubbles and cracking".

Today`s modern clears don`t take kindly to the use of such active clorinated solvent exporsure.

By the way, the paint system on your vehicle is a joint venture with PPG.


Interesting on the PPG. It`s such garbage paint. My hood already has places where both the clear and base coat have completely cracked off. If anything such as yellow tree sap or bird droppings touch the paint for longer than seconds, it leaves a spot that`s impossible to remove.

I`ve given up chasing "perfection" but overall, I`m definitely pleased with the results. With the Megs it just "feels" better.

10-05-2011, 12:31 PM
Glad to hear you got it figured out. Now, lots of work for the rest of the car! Good OP.