View Full Version : Can`t buff it out, 3rd damn time this year

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09-04-2011, 04:30 PM
Maxima gets totaled by a drunk in January, road bike gets hit by someone on the wrong side of the path, breaks my bike frame and separates my shoulder, this past Thursday, I`m on my way to the grocery store, move to the right lane and accelerate to pass a truck going 32 in a 40 in the left lane, right into 1-2 inches of water flooding the right lane from some apartment complex sprinklers. Back tires aren`t bald but are close to the wear bars so I hydroplane, thought I recovered, then either hit more water or a bump (road is pretty rough in that area) and spin into the median (curb there is maybe 2" high) and the back end hits a pole. :(

My son had driven by the same location 3 hours earlier and he said the sprinklers were on then too, and blasted the side of his girlfriend`s SUV. One of the officeresses at the scene said that complex has been flooding the street all summer. No idea why code enforcement has let it go on that long.

Just had a bad feeling about Thursday. We almost got hit earlier in the day when I moved from the left lane to the center left lane on the freeway at the same time some idiot moved from the far right lane to the center left lane, cutting off a semi then nearly hitting me. Then after my bike ride, I`m coming home, leaving a light about 1/4 mile from home and some jerk passes the car in the middle lane on the right and missed hitting me by maybe a foot. Then I hit a huge deep puddle of water (on a completely dry day, ****ing sprinklers) on the way to the grocery store, spun out and hit a pole. It was like I was meant to get into an accident and the way it happened turned out to be the one that would least likely seriously injure me. Weird.

Pretty lucky, a bump on the head, a couple minor cuts. My son insisted I go to the hospital to be checked for a concussion, doctor said I *may* have suffered a very mild concussion if I did at all.

Anyway, the pics at the scene:



Took some more today.









Thomas Dekany
09-04-2011, 05:16 PM
**** Scott!!!!!!!1 I am so sorry for you man. Glad you are ok though. What a year for you indeed. What`s next?

09-04-2011, 05:20 PM
Glad you are OK

09-04-2011, 05:52 PM
Glad your`e not hurt, but as you said; "Bad things come in threes" so its calm skies from here ...

Bill D
09-04-2011, 06:19 PM
OMG You of all people don`t need this. Glad you`re okay and hope your turn in the barrel is now over!

09-04-2011, 06:38 PM
GOD man.. That really sucks... It was a nice car too...

Glad that you are ok though, thats the important part

09-04-2011, 06:43 PM
Dang Scott, sorry to see and hear that! Glad you are doing well though. Sure was a nice car.

Sucks when things like this happen when it`s kinda out of your control. It`s one thing to avoid stupid drivers when they decide that want to occupy the exact spot of the road you are in from the next lane over, but no way to avoid the road. Hopefully those sprinklers get fixed soon. Can`t believe that is going on with all the heat and drought we have had.

09-04-2011, 07:06 PM
That`s going to be a challenge to buff out but if any one can I`d bet on you. LOL

Glad you`re ok. Your insurance company is probably scratching their head about now though.

Hope you are done with this streak of bad luck.

C. Charles Hahn
09-04-2011, 07:46 PM
Oh man! Sorry to hear that, Scott... but at least the only irreplaceable part of the situation came out virtually unscathed. Were you issued a ticket at all?

Since I`m guessing that car is totaled, what`s next? Hunting for another Maxima?

They say bad things come in threes -- so at least you`ve burned through your quota for the year!

09-04-2011, 07:56 PM
Got a ticket for failure to stay in my lane. The officeress (if you haven`t seen Falling Down you won`t get that...) said it didn`t appear my speed was particularly excessive so that`s why I wasn`t getting a ticket for unsafe speed or reckless driving. Nothing on my driving record, probably plead no contest (not sure if pleading not guilty and showing the pictures of the road and the officeresses statement about the sprinklers would be enough to get me off) and take deferred adjudication to keep the ticket off my record.

Haven`t decided for sure what to get next. Prefer to avoid car payments going into the winter, the last two have been pretty rough by Dallas standards.

09-04-2011, 08:01 PM
Glad your`e not hurt, but as you said; "Bad things come in threes" so its calm skies from here ...

Glad you`re OK Scott. Just remember that the car is just `stuff`. Stuff is replacable, people are not.

09-04-2011, 08:12 PM
Thats some of the worse luck Scott I`ve ever heard happen to one person in a year. I hope the rest of the year turns out better for you.


09-05-2011, 10:38 AM
Tough luck spell there. Glad you are OK Scott!

09-05-2011, 11:06 AM
Serenity now.....serenity now.....serenity now

09-05-2011, 11:57 AM
well that sucks...

but being the 3rd one, you probably already understand that leaving a smashed car on your own feet really is more important than a pile of metal. been there, and know its not fun at all. but when you cant walk out of it, it sucks even more.

so... have yourself a nice cold beer and screw thinking about what happened. just tell us what could be parked in the garage next.