View Full Version : North Easters, get ready...

08-25-2011, 10:50 PM

extra cash (just in case)


battery powered radios,

5gallons of water (1 gallon per person for at least 5 days if water becomes an issue)

if youre on meds be sure to get advanced refills to cover you in the event things go really bad,

baby wipes or handy wipes

first aid kit

good pair of walking shoes in case you got to do some walkin

insect repellant (standing water + the skeeters= not fun)

non perishable foods, preferably in cans or plastic containers

and for those really adventurous types, a bbq grill (hey, no sense n letting all that good meat spoil if the power goes out)

Be safe, be careful!

08-26-2011, 07:41 AM
After having been through a few of these:

If you have an icemaker, make or buy lots of ice.

Your water heater has lots of water in it, buy some gallon jugs but know that you have 50+ gallons in your house.

And yeah, the cash part is one to really remember.

08-26-2011, 10:43 AM
We`re around the high point in Brooklyn, so aside from heavy wind and rain we should be ok. Big concern is definitely power outages.

08-27-2011, 01:19 PM
This is what I picked up this morning. All set. :up


08-29-2011, 11:49 AM
Your water heater has lots of water in it, buy some gallon jugs but know that you have 50+ gallons in your house.

Most people probably NEVER think of this.