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View Full Version : Have you tried Carnauba Lately?

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08-12-2011, 10:11 AM
I`ve been on a sealant binge for a few years now. The last time I really used a Carnauba was in 09, and that was CG50/50. It really has been a long time. I always forget how great a car looks with a pure carnauba wax. I just did my VW, 1/2 with Pinnacle Souveran, 1/2 with Natty`s Blue. I love the depth, the glow and just the outstanding looks.

So how long has it been for you?

Bill D
08-12-2011, 10:34 AM
I`m still old school when it comes to my non daily drivers. I just reapplied in June. I love souveran and P21s--there`s really no difference in looks between them to me but I am interested in maybe going with Opti Seal soon

08-12-2011, 10:38 AM
July when I detailed my Accord I topped it with Navi Wax Ultimate, I like using a carnauba but most of the time on top of a sealant like DG 501 just personal preference for me

tom p.
08-12-2011, 10:53 AM
Since my garage queen was sold earlier this year, I`m 100% sealant and believe this will be the course for me for the near term. I just don`t have the time to be re-doing cars as often as I`d like. And, frankly, I`d rather be driving these vehicles than fiddling in the garage all the time.

I`m always on a quest for a great 1-step product cuz I can rarely catch the wife`s car for an all-day session. I only get an hour here or an hour there. I was mentioning to Accumulator that I picked up a small amount of Meg`s D151. That product gives an amazing result for minimal time invested. Seems about right for a "quickee" clean-up...assuming I can catch the car standing still.

08-12-2011, 11:12 AM
i have some show cars here and there during the summer period so i use megs gold class carnauba about once a month for them. none during the winter. (except mine. i put a layer every 2-3 months)

08-12-2011, 12:17 PM
RG55 about a month ago. I over applied it and left it more than I should so I have excess product (that only I notice) all over.

I alternate between RG55 and S100 for my nubas. So far they have been on top of FK1000P.

Next week my semiannual TLC session is coming up (hence why i didnt panic from overapplying RG55). I will use Opti-seal instead of FK. Still not sure if I will nube-it as with FK. I will probably research and post a relevant question as not to hijack this post.

08-12-2011, 12:57 PM
I`m always on a quest for a great 1-step product cuz I can rarely catch the wife`s car for an all-day session. I only get an hour here or an hour there. I was mentioning to Accumulator that I picked up a small amount of Meg`s D151. That product gives an amazing result for minimal time invested. Seems about right for a "quickee" clean-up...assuming I can catch the car standing still.

I have the same issue, and hence love for AIO`s.

08-12-2011, 01:24 PM
Been about a year for me. My Vintage sits all alone. Poxy and now Nitro Seal have taken its place.

08-12-2011, 01:50 PM
i have some show cars here and there during the summer period so i use megs gold class carnauba about once a month for them. none during the winter. (except mine. i put a layer every 2-3 months)

I have one word for you "spray wax"

It will make you life easier

08-12-2011, 01:53 PM
over a year for me. Put a coat of Soveran on my black car for a show last year, looked great for the show, attracted a crap ton of dust afterwords and was pretty much gone a couple weeks later.

Since starting to use Blackfire Wet Diamnd I have a hard time going back to caranuba`s, my opinion is that the blackfire is basically there as far as replicating the soft, deep looks of a caranumba in a synthetic that`s much easier to use. Sure durability is a bit of a compromise compared to other synthetics but doesn`t matter to me.

08-12-2011, 03:42 PM
last summer. now that i don`t show the car anymore i don`t really use it much.

08-12-2011, 05:02 PM
Can`t remember last time I used a wax.

08-12-2011, 06:13 PM
Clear-coated, non-metallic black daily driver gets wax almost year round. Luckily, I am able to wash it at least once a month...otherwise, I would use a sealant.

Since spring, I have been on a Trade Secret kick.

08-12-2011, 08:17 PM
Gave up on car_nauba after 30 years of use. 5 years ago bot a PC. Polished my car with Menzerna. Used Klasse for the first time. Liked it. Tried Zaino Z-2. Liked it even more. Used up my Blitz wax on my door jams. When I finished my wax jar, I sold all my Zymol, P21, Harly, Pinnacle, PRO and said Auf Wiedersehen. Now I`m into coatings. I just cannot see myself going back to wax again. Don`t have the time nor the $$$ to play around with that wax from Brazil.

08-13-2011, 04:17 AM
For a daily driven vehicle I use a sealant for durability and a Carnauba wax as a sacrificial protection. Concourse just Carnauba wax
