View Full Version : New to Optimum Compound II a few questions

07-29-2011, 01:01 AM
I am about to use the Optimum Compound II with a PC 7424, non XP, and LC 5.5" orange pads soon, and I had a few questions before jumping into it and wasting tons of time trying to figure it out without any know how. So I am hoping that any of you all that have worked with this product could give me a few tips on it

From what I have heard the Optimum Compound II is similar to the Meguiars SMAT technology, meaning that the abarasives are non diminishing and keep working. Is this true? If so, how can you really tell that the product is ready to be wiped off?

When using this product with the 7424, what is a good range to use as far as speeds? I`d imagine that using speeds 5-6 is optimal, but what about before finishing? Should I reduce the speed to 4 or so along with the pressure on the machine? Or will this make a difference with it at all?

How should I prime the pad with this product? Lightly spearad it over the pad surface like M105, most the pad with ONR QD strngth mix and apply an X or couple dime sized drops? I don`t want to over apply and end up reducing the cut along with clogging up the pads

Do you all find that Optimum Compound II creates a lot of hazing, even with a DA such as the 7424? I went ahead and bought some of the Polish II just inase. Thanks for any answers that you all can help me with

07-29-2011, 11:07 AM
Yes it keeps working until you stop, just check your work and do a test spot. The residue wipes off easily with a damp microfiber.

I like to use 4-5 with the DA and move slooooowly. More pressure=more cut...just back off for the last pass to clean up some of the compound marring and finish well.

Yes, cover the whole face to prime then add 2-3 pea sized dots for each following panel. After every panel, its a really good practice to clean on the fly, use a pad conditioning brush, or at least blow off the pad with compressed air. After cleaning, you will need to use a little more product to reprime the pad...not as much as initially, but still a little more across the face will help. Don`t be lazy with this step. Compounding removes a lot of contamination, paint and spent product. You need to keep that stuff cleaned off to get good results with any compound.

No Optimum Compound doesn`t create "a lot" of hazing, but you should always assume that you will need to go over a compound with a polish as there will be "some" marring and/or hazing with any compound or aggressive polish.

07-29-2011, 11:26 PM
I thought all Optimum polishes used diminishing abrasives?

Just out of curiosity Chris, have you guys tried OCII with the Megs microfiber cutting discs?

07-30-2011, 04:14 PM
I thought all Optimum polishes used diminishing abrasives?

Just out of curiosity Chris, have you guys tried OCII with the Megs microfiber cutting discs?

Compound II, Polish II, and Finish all went to SMAT back in March of this year. They are as user friendly as always, but performance has been greatly improved. Compound II will cut as fast and finish better than M105 on some finishes and M105 finishes better on some others, but what you have is a aggressive compound with fast performance that doesn`t dust. It works very well with the microfiber discs, purple foamed wool, and our own wool blend pads...even the orange LC polishing pads everyone likes with M105 work very well.

07-30-2011, 07:46 PM
Man, I`ve been working on some big bottles of very old OC, OP and OHC (from like 2006 probably) and I finally got the II series stuff. I picked up OPII, OCII and OF from Pat @ Excel during his going out of business sale. Is there any way to tell if what I got is the updated (SMAT) version of the compound and polish?

07-30-2011, 08:32 PM
New stuff has only been out since March. So if you got it on clearance it`s probably not the latest. We added `new formula" stickers to the SMAT stuff too.

08-01-2011, 06:16 PM
Anyone know how Meguiars Ultimate Compound Compares in cut and finishing results to Optimum Compound II?

08-02-2011, 01:18 AM
Anyone know how Meguiars Ultimate Compound Compares in cut and finishing results to Optimum Compound II?

Probably the same as #105 vs OHC II-depends on the paint. I keep both on hand because on some finishes OHC is better, on others #105. Doesn`t seem to be much of a pattern either.

David Fermani
08-02-2011, 07:56 PM
From what I have heard the Optimum Compound II is similar to the Meguiars SMAT technology, meaning that the abarasives are non diminishing and keep working. Is this true? If so, how can you really tell that the product is ready to be wiped off?

Similar, but different. It cuts more, but has different characteristics. I think the abrasives are quite similar, but the lubricants are different. It tends to cake/clump together more frequent(especially with longer passes) and with constant pad surface cleaning it will keep the cutting action fresh. It also leaves a little more marring compared to M105 too, but it`s so shallow that it easily polishes away. Great product actually.