View Full Version : Alternative to Brinkmann Dual Xenon?

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07-25-2011, 09:48 PM
I`ve had my Brinkmann for about a month, used it on 2 cars and when I took it off the charger yesterday, its dimmed almost immediately from full brightness. So I plugged it back in, and the red light came on for 5 minutes, turned off, same story. Something is whacked with it, so I email brinkmann and their response was

"The problem described does sound like there is a defect in the battery or circuitry. Unfortunately there is no way to repair the light with these types of problems. Please let us know if you have any additional questions."

Not cool for a month old light. Are there any other swirl finder type lights you guys are using with any luck? I`ve got a few nice led lights (Fenix, Streamlight, etc) but they don`t seem to show defects quite as well as xenon.

C. Charles Hahn
07-25-2011, 09:51 PM
Uh, no offer to replace it under warranty?

07-25-2011, 09:58 PM
Uh, no offer to replace it under warranty?

Nope, that`s all the info they gave me. Pretty unimpressed with them.

07-25-2011, 10:04 PM
The 3M Sun Gun is a pretty great tool. I use it almost every day.


07-25-2011, 10:24 PM
The 3M Sun Gun is a pretty great tool. I use it almost every day.


Those are really nice, just out of my price range.

C. Charles Hahn
07-25-2011, 10:40 PM
Nope, that`s all the info they gave me. Pretty unimpressed with them.

Where did you buy it from? I would see if the vendor would replace it for you if nothing else. I just can`t believe Brinkmann isn`t standing behind it... certainly doesn`t leave a good taste in my mouth.

07-26-2011, 01:24 AM
i`ve had 2 brinkmanns and one lasted long enough to be satisfied with but when i opened the second, it was DOA right out of the package. will not buy another one again...

07-26-2011, 09:59 AM
My one-year old Brinkmann won`t even hold a charge long enough for one full car, plus it absolutely sucks for showing micromarring.. I`ve switched to LEDs and smaller, handheld halogens. I honestly wasn`t ever blown away by the Brinkmann in the first place.

07-26-2011, 12:51 PM
Not cool for a month old light. Are there any other swirl finder type lights you guys are using with any luck? I`ve got a few nice led lights (Fenix, Streamlight, etc) but they don`t seem to show defects quite as well as xenon.

Which fenix light are you using? I did a side by side comparsion between xenon and fenix tk11 and imo they are comparable in showing swirls and holos, but the xenon color temperature is nicer to look at(imo).

07-26-2011, 01:56 PM
i`ve had 2 brinkmanns and one lasted long enough to be satisfied with but when i opened the second, it was DOA right out of the package. will not buy another one again...

Did they replace it for you or just leave you hanging out to dry?

Which fenix light are you using? I did a side by side comparsion between xenon and fenix tk11 and imo they are comparable in showing swirls and holos, but the xenon color temperature is nicer to look at(imo).

I`ve got a Fenix LD20 that is a phenomenal light, but its got a fairly cool emitter in it. I`m not sure Xenon itself is any better at showing the defects, its probably more about the color of the light like someone else was saying. I`m thinking that a neutral or warm emitter option might help (Some of the 4sevens and eagletac`s have these).

Bill D
07-26-2011, 02:34 PM
My original Brinkmann died some time ago but it had a regular life expectancy. I never did get around to getting a replacement and I had an Amazon link to one bookmarked and now I`m glad I haven`t pulled the trigger yet. Shame on Brinkmann for the attitude they take.

I guess I`ll watch this thread closely to see what other light can bump it and take its place; hopefully one made by a company that stands behind its product.

07-27-2011, 10:19 AM
I can`t remember what brand it is, butBarry Theal has a light he simply loves.

I`m still using my cheapie incandescents and the SunGun.

It`s not about the color, or even the brightness, it`s about the light`s ability to produce a certain type of contrast that`s pretty much exclusive to "point source illumination". A relatively dim 60w bare bulb in a ceiling-mount light fixture can often show marring as well as most anything, at least if used in an otherwise dark shop. Though *nothing* tops the SunGun IME, it`s so unforgiving that some people (some highly respected people too!) have teased me about it..."yeah, it`s even more demanding than sunlight, but so what? It`s not like people go around inspecting your car with a SunGun in real life".

07-27-2011, 10:40 PM
I love my flashlights. A good high-intensity CREE LED flashlight works wonders. I have one I picked up for around $25, uses AA batteries and has two intensity settings and an aluminum body. Hasn`t failed me yet. That sucker is BRIGHT!

07-28-2011, 10:56 AM
I love my flashlights...

I, OTOH, don`t like mine for this (and I`ve tried most of my dozen+ good ones) :nixweiss

07-28-2011, 10:59 AM
Why not, Accumulator? I do find I have to put some distance between the light and the paint, but it was a lifesaver on the repainted white Accord I did a couple weeks ago. Even showed micromarring pretty clearly.