View Full Version : Protection?

02-21-2006, 06:34 PM
OK, I just bought a brand new SUV and I want to give the best protection possible. There are so many different sealants and protection films that I don`t know where to start. Does anyone have any advice as to the best ways to protect and keep looking great my investment. I`m talking paint, interior, undercarriage, engine, wheels, lights, everything. Thanks in advance for the advice.

02-21-2006, 06:43 PM
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Don`t let people eat in the car or smoke in the car. Make sure all drinks are in spill proof containers. Avoid mud and trees and anything else that is going to scratch up your paint. If you can`t avoid it, then use proper techniques and tools to clean the paint and remove the damage.

There isn`t one product that will protect in all areas, so you`ll need to get several. The big concern is the paint, so just experiment with a few sealants and go from there. Mostly you are going to see 2 to 3 months durabililty with sealants. If you want something that lasts longer than that then you`ll have to wait for advances in paint care sometime in the future. There isn`t anything that will just go on and then never require maintance.

If you are looking for total car care advice then I suggest doing some searching through the forums. This might help a little. (http://www.detailcity.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3136) Don`t expect an easy answer when you ask something like "what product is the best". :lol: It is a very involved answer that takes pages to explain. OCDetails.com is a good example of that.

There are more than one ways to skin a cat in this industry, so don`t expect everybody to agree on what you should do. I would just suggest doing a lot of research and then deciding for yourself. Good luck! :bigups

02-21-2006, 07:07 PM
Well you cannot go wrong with the things that Jngrbrdman has linked you to. It kind of says it all. Just get started with a plan and complete the detail to protect your vehicle. Is one product better than another? It really depends on what you are willing to do. If the vehicle is prepped correctly the products will do what they say no matter which product you choose.

As my friend Mosca says with every thread that I see him in..."The best way to maintain that"Just Waxed" look is to have just waxed your car".