View Full Version : Environmental Damage

07-19-2011, 10:12 AM
My style of detailing is Science meets Aesthetics; Science - includes such elements as chemicals, equipment, and knowledge of vehicle surfaces, industry standards, and stain recognition and removal.

Aesthetics – I graduated as an Architect, hence my interest in aesthetics, but later decided to pursue a career in chemical Engineering, is the activity of combining these elements into the proper application methodologies that produce an aesthetically pleasing outcome for each specific situation.

In the interest of full disclosure, I am in no way affiliated with, employed by, have any vested interest, or in any way receive compensation from the sale or distribution of any of the product lines reviewed or the company that manufactures or markets it. No endorsement of companies or their products mentioned is intended, nor is criticism implied of similar companies or their products if they are omitted.

I have tested and / or used the product s, so the recommendation comes from firsthand knowledge of their use and / or its application methodologies. Any product endorsement is entirely unbiased and means that the product “Does what it says on the tin”

A close relationship with readers and a thorough command of the technical and chemical developments that affect detailing have been at the core of my philosophy since 1980. My only agenda is the dissemination of accurate, commercially unbiased information; it is my intent to educate, based on five plus decades of experience; “Experience is said to be the best teacher” passing on to my readers the dynamics that take place; the cause and effect, as well as an explanation of the scientific terminology and chemicals involved with detailing products. I hope to be an asset to anyone who is new to detailing and to both the professionals and enthusiast detailer’s who seek to advance their knowledge of detailing

As a semi-professional detailer with vast knowledge and experience (five plus decades) of detailing to Concours d’élégance level as both entrant and senior judge, I’ve been providing commercially unbiased opinions that professionals, experienced, enthusiast and neophyte detailer’s use and trust on various leading detailing forums in the United States, UK, Canada, South America, Australia, South Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the EU for about twelve or so years

It was through these early interactions with car forum members that I began to see the same questions asked over and over again. To relieve myself of the repetition, I decided to create a series of articles covering the most frequently asked questions, which would help detailers reach an intelligent and logical understanding of the many chemicals, products and their application methodologies used in detailing and in a way that makes it relevant to them.

With a background in the physical and chemical sciences (earned a Ph.D. (professional doctorate) Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology from Imperial College London ( not just a dumb Architect) and graduated from an MBA program with an MSc Business Administration and Strategy from the London School of Economics plus more than four decades in the chemical and polymer performance coatings industry. I try to write in a way that helps the reader to understand not only "How" to do something, but "Why" they are doing it, along with “What” chemicals to use along with the technical, scientific and any other relevant information.

If you’ve read any of my forum posts / threads you`ll already understand just what I mean. I only attempt to share well researched, validated information, not conjecture or unfounded opinion, but it is up to the individual as to what they choose to do with it. In the final analysis; it’s your vehicle, your hard earned money and ultimately - your choice

I then considered how I could simplify things; however the only way to accomplish this would be to omit necessary information and that didn’t feel right to me. Improperly used chemicals can cause damage to the person using them and to surface they are applied to (sometimes irreparably) because the detailer did not have sufficient information of the possible adverse affect of the chemicals in the products they use.

I detailed my first car when I was fourteen (a mere five plus decades ago) it was a 1929 Bentley “Blower Super 8” that belonged to my Fathers friend Brigadier John Dix of Kensington, London. If, as they say, "God is in the details," then a 1929 Bentley is truly a religious experience. I knew then that detailing would become a passion, testing products, teaching people, writing detailing articles, talking detailing, etc

It has always been a relaxing past time for me and while at college I had a part-time business detailing classic vintage cars. From there to Concours d’élégance entrant then judge, and then on to writing car care articles and How-to: instructions, then writing a series of books on my favourite subject I soon realized this would be my métier.

The misinformation and myths that are so prevalent on the Internet and in the detailing industry is the reason that detailers need to do research on their own. I would strongly suggest that you verify any information that I or anyone else shares with you.