View Full Version : 20 passenger buses

02-21-2006, 05:09 PM
I have a chance to bid on 9-20 passenger buses.

Interiors have vinyl seats and will only require cleaning of dirt and dressing(not my idea).
Exteriors need wash/dry and tire dressing.

This would be twice a month and later once a week.

I would greatly appreciate some ideas on price based on a twice montly interior/exterior cleaning as described above.

The buses look like the one in this picture.

02-21-2006, 05:16 PM
I have a chance to bid on 9-20 passenger buses.

Interiors have vinyl seats and will only require cleaning of dirt and dressing(not my idea).
Exteriors need wash/dry and tire dressing.

This would be twice a month and later once a week.

I would greatly appreciate some ideas on price based on a twice montly interior/exterior cleaning as described above.

The buses look like the one in this picture.
Their is a guy who belongs to MOL Forum(use to be here)who polished a fleet of yellow School Buse`s,he would definately know the pros and cons to your questions . You can view the process on Megs site if the pics are still available..