View Full Version : Z Users - Does Z 8 streak in cold weather

02-20-2006, 07:11 PM
We experienced some streaking/blotching issues over the weekend.

Z8 was used on top of Z5, and one on Z2Pro -both had the same effect. You have to really wipe Z8 down to a clean finish. I think part of the problem, is that we didn`t get it all off the paint, and the cold weather made it haze up after a few hours. In some areas the streaking/haze showed up right away.

Are you guys seeing streaking in cold weather?

It`s the first time that I`ve seen any, and it was a PITA to take out. Water spritz cleaned it up (but it took a while to figure that out).

Any ideas?

02-20-2006, 07:47 PM
Since i live in Texas during the winter I am not even going to make any comments. No cold weather experience.

I do have a question. After applying the Z8 to the paint with a MF towel do you dry with an absolutely dry MF towel? I have found that the drying towels wetness makes a difference in the appearance of the paint as far as what I call streaking.

02-20-2006, 07:57 PM
Since i live in Texas during the winter I am not even going to make any comments. No cold weather experience.

I do have a question. After applying the Z8 to the paint with a MF towel do you dry with an absolutely dry MF towel? I have found that the drying towels wetness makes a difference in the appearance of the paint as far as what I call streaking.

I can usually get by with a single MF. I`ve been using the Mega-Mega Plush (oversized) Poorboys towel and it stays pretty dry for the most part. 1/2 oz or less will do an average SUV.

" have found that the drying towels wetness makes a difference in the appearance of the paint as far as what I call streaking" -What do you mean by this? Tell more.

02-20-2006, 08:18 PM
When drying the Z8 after application there is sometimes streaks of wetness that remain on the surface of the paint. If not dried completely the streaks stay very apparent on my black paint unless the surface is dried completely. That is why i change drying towels so often to avoid such an an occurance.

02-20-2006, 08:25 PM
(this is mgm2003) -The problem may have started with the Z5 application not having enough drying time. It was COLD!!

02-21-2006, 08:52 PM
Used it at 28, 30, and 32 degrees. No streaking.

I pull the trigger maybe twice per panel, more like once. Wipe in, flip towel, wipe clean. The key is to be a bit on the conservative side when using.

02-21-2006, 08:57 PM
The only time I had streaking, it was my own fault-I forgot to go back over with the dry side of the towel on one of my panels.

02-21-2006, 10:26 PM
I think the problem was the cure time (or lack of) with either Z5 or Z2Pro. We let it sit in the garage (heated at 50-60) for 15 minutes or so, and I don`t think that was long enough. The coats were applied very thin via a finishing pad.

We topped the entire SUV & glass (not the roof), with less than 1/2 an ounce.

I`d like to hear if anyone else has had streaking issues related to dry time.

02-25-2006, 01:11 PM
I think recommended time is 30 minutes for Z2/Z5 and I usually add in another 10 minutes for good measure. I did once layer Z-8 on too thick and got some streaking but that was certainly my fault for not applying thin.

Thin is in.
