View Full Version : 2 quick ?`s

06-04-2011, 09:18 PM
How do you guys remove the shoe scuff marks and dirt on the bottom of the doors because some seem impossible to remove I`ve even tried pressure washing, and also what do you guys use to remove the bugs and dirt in back window crevise especially when its really slanted.

06-05-2011, 12:25 PM
How do you guys remove the shoe scuff marks and dirt on the bottom of the doors because some seem impossible to remove I`ve even tried pressure washing..

Sorry, don`t mean to be dense but I`m just not quite following you here :confused: Do you mean the threshold trim over the rocker panels or the bottom part of the door itself?

Scuffs on painted surfaces or on plastic?

.. and also what do you guys use to remove the bugs and dirt in back window crevise especially when its really slanted.

You mean at the bottom of the backlight where it`s tight to the package shelf?

I have small (and I mean *small*) nozzles that fit on my vacuum. Besides those I`ll wrap a MF around something thin and shove it in the gap (carefully!).

If you want to get involved, you could remove the back seat, take out the package shelf and *really* gain access, but man that`d be a PIA.

06-05-2011, 12:38 PM
For scuffs I use magic eraser then wipe it down with an apc just to remove the residue (if there is really any) works like a champ every time. hope this helps!!!!

Ron Ketcham
06-05-2011, 01:54 PM
For the scuff marks, just try the good old red rubber eraser on the end of a lead pencil.

Get some popcycle sticks at the craft dept of Walmart, wrap a towel, one wrap, around the stick, and go at it for the window concern..


Bill D
06-05-2011, 02:22 PM
The kind of mini vac attachments I think Accumulator is referring to can also be found at Wal Mart. They are Shop Vac brand and work with ShopVac brand ..umm... shop vacs :chuckle:. You could probably buy a whole vac set up with these attachments for about 40 bucks. Works well for me.